
Table of Nuclides (compact, with decay modes)

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Isotope table in compact form with half-lives
Isotope table in compact form with energy info

For an overview of available representations, see Table of nuclides.

The isotope table below shows isotopes of the chemical elements, including all with half-life of at least 3 seconds (and many shorter, although isotopes with a neutron deficit of more than 3 aren’t listed).[1] They are arranged with increasing atomic numbers (proton numbers) from upper left to lower right and increasing neutron numbers from lower left to upper right for each proton number.

Cell colour denotes the decay mode of each isotope. If you’ve scrolled so the colour legend is not in view, allowing your cursor to dwell over a cell will cause a pop-up text box to indicate that isotope’s half-life and decay mode.

Click here to see the Isotope Table

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