
Pi Naught

Excited quark/anti-quark states: an introduction to Mesons
Aran David Stubbs, Infra-Matter Research Center

In our model, the neutral pion has a proto-up and a proto-anti-up in 4s orbits along with 4 proto-photons in the 2s and 3s orbits, alternating with a proto-down and a proto-anti-down in 2s orbits along with a pair of proto-photons in the 3s orbits.  A pair of gravitons occupy the 1s orbits at all times.  Under these circumstances, when a proto-quark and proto-anti-quark crash together there is a probability they will reconfigure into the other proto-quark/proto-anti-quark pair.  Otherwise, they may bounce off each other, or mutually annihilate forming photons.  In order to switch from proto-up to proto-down, 2 proto-photons have to collide at the same place and time.  This implies that the state switching is a fairly low-probability event, with bouncing off more likely, and mutual annihilation least likely.

From the standard formula, the P* (energy equivalent piece count) of the up version is 20, and of the down version is 12.  A numeric analysis of the charged pion gives a P* of 18 with the proto-up in a 2s orbit and the proto-down in a 3s, giving a net angular momentum for those 2 of 12 small units.

Using the piece counts and energies for each, the 1s energy of the gravitons in the neutral pion are a quarter the difference in the rest energy of the proto-up and the proto-down.  This gives an approximate energy for the proto-down of 37.770237(95) MeV, with the proto-up 17.958198(45) MeV, and the graviton having a 1s energy of 4.953010 (12) MeV in the neutral pion.  This gives a radius of 3.31998 fm for the neutral pion, or a frequency for the proto-photons there of 1.4381*1022 cycles per second.  This gives a velocity for the proto-up in the neutral pion about .8797c, and for the proto-down there about .6102c.  Overall, the neutral pion’s rest energy is then 134.97659(34) MeV.

In addition to the single sphere diquark cases, there are many 2 sphere cases.  The rho, phi, j-psi, and upsilon all appear to be 2 quarks stuck together.  See the Vector Meson page.  Some additional cases look like a neutral pion bound to a vector meson (a 3 sphere case), such as the neutral omega.

I’ll ignore the eta for now (since it doesn’t look like a strange/anti-strange pair as is reported – but instead a Negron with a +2s proto-up, a +3s proto-down, and a -2s proto-strange giving it 547.3 MeV and L=0).

The eta prime looks like a single sphere balance point between 2 quark/anti-quark pairs with 957.78(6) MeV.  Then the proto-strange has a rest energy of 268.833(16) with the P* for the strange/anti-strange solution with a single sphere diquark of 20 (which means s sub-shells 1 through 4 are filled), and the P* for the down/anti-down pair of 42 (which means s sub-shells 1 through 6 are filled).  The 1s energy of 21.0057(7) MeV is 1/11 the difference in rest energy between the proto-strange and the proto-down.

The charmed eta with 2983.6(7) MeV looks like a single sphere diquark with a proto-charm / proto-anti-charm pair alternating with a proto-strange / proto-anti-strange pair.  The charms have P* of 56 (s sub-shells 1 thru 7) and the strange 72 (s sub-shells 1 thru 8).  The 1s energy is about 33.971(11) MeV, 1/8 the difference in their energies.  That gives a rest energy to the proto-charm of 540.60(9) MeV.

The bottom eta meson looks like a single sphere diquark with a proto-charm / proto-anti-charm pair alternating with a proto-lucky / proto-anti-lucky pair, where lucky refers to the 5th quark (between charm and bottom).  The meson is reported as 9398.0 (3.2) MeV.  The best small number solution comes with P* of 56 for the lucky (with s sub-shells 1 through 8), and 90 for the charm (with s sub-shells 1 through 10).  That gives a proto-lucky rest energy of 2111.55(66) MeV, and a 1s energy of 92.409(34) MeV, 1/17 the difference between the proto-charm and the proto-lucky.

The neutral K as a single sphere with a proto-down and proto-anti-strange (or vice versa) has several fairly good solutions near the reported energy of 497.63(3) MeV.  A P* of 24 with a proto-strange and a proto-down sharing the 2s orbits has 0 spin at energy of 497.64204 MeV.  The best fit for the proto-strange is then 268.83297 MeV.  It should be noted, various sources give rest energy for the neutral K from 497.614 to 497.648 MeV.  The charged K has a best fit for P* of 56 with a 3s proto-up opposing a 2s proto-strange at energy of 493.67071 MeV, assuming the same proto-strange rest energy.

Numeric solutions were derived for other mesons, but too many to allow 1 to stand out as ideal, given the loose assignment of rest energy for the heavier proto-quarks.  The best fit for the proto-charm among them came with rest energy of 540.632(20) MeV, but too many other solutions were also valid at 5 sig figs to trust it.  If the rest energy of the eta prime and the charmed eta can be measured to 6 sig figs it would eliminate many of the possible solutions for the other mesons containing a proto-charm.

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