
The Electron Configuration of Ununennium

The Electron Configuration of Ununennium
Aran David Stubbs


 The electron configuration of the first 118 elements has been observed to follow a simple pattern leading to some assumptions about the configuration of the next few elements.  Each time a p sub-shell is completed, the s sub-shell just beyond is started.  Element 118 has a complete 7p sub-shell, and no 8s electrons, so 119 (ununennium) is assumed to have 1 8s electron.  While that is a possibility, another configuration is also possible.

The standard pattern is: 1s; 2s; 2p, 3s; 3p, 4s; 3d, 4p, 5s; 4d, 5p, 6s; 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s; 5f, 6d, 7p, 8s.  The next group if the pattern holds would be: 5g, 6f, 7d, 8p, 9s.  However, it is necessary to look at the underlying cause of the pattern.  Treating the electrons as being in elliptical orbits with eccentricity rising in steps is one view of the cause.  Here, the next sub-shell filled is the one with a vacancy whose high point is lower than any other sub-shell with a vacancy.  This is the sequence: 1; 2; 2-x:2+x, 3; 3-x:3+x, 4; 3-2x:3+2x, 4-x:4+x, 5; 4-2x:4+2x, 5-x:5+x, 6; 4-3x:4+3x, 5-2x:5+2x, 6-x:6+x, 7; 5-3x:5+3x, 6-2x:6+2x, 7-x:7+x, 8; 5-4x:5+4x, …

From this view, a step size can be approximated.  Since 2p fills after 2s and before 3s, the step size (x) is between 0.001 and 0.999.  Since 3d fills after 4s and before 4p, the step size is between 0.501 and 0.999.  Since 4f fills between 6s and 5d, the step size is between 0.667 and 0.999.  If the step size is less than 0.750, the 5g will fill before the 8s.  If the step size is greater than 0.750 the 5g will fill after the 8s.  Had the 5g filled before the 7p, the step size would have been less than 0.666 which is not the case due to the 4f data point.

From secondary evidence, a step size (x) of 0.707 (the square root of 0.5) looks right.  With energy falling as the square of distance from the nucleus, this gives an even pattern.  The top of the orbits is now: 1.00, 2.00, 2.71, 3.00, 3.71, 4.00, 4.41, 4.71, 5.00, 5.41, 5.71, 6.00, 6.12, 6.41, 6.71, 7.00, 7.12, 7.41, 7.71, 7.83, 8.00,…

It should be possible to find the exact step-size by analyzing the kinetic energy of the Hydrogen 1 atom with sufficient precision.  A 1s electron has 13.598 517 eV in Kinetic Energy (with the proton having 0.007 406 eV).  An 8s electron has 1/64th as much: 0.212 477 eV.  The Kinetic energy of the 5g electron varies based on distance, with an average around 0.544 eV.  The maximum energy (at the lowest point of the orbit) is around 2.9 eV, and the minimum energy (at the highest point of the orbit) is around 0.2 eV.  If Kepler’s law was exact, the mean energy would give an exact solution, but the relativistic effects (especially near the low point) make the calculation non-trivial.  At the low point the effective mass is 0.0005% higher than at the high point, causing the velocity to be slightly lower than Kepler would have predicted.  From the relativistic effects, the mean kinetic energy of the eccentric cases is very slightly higher than the spherical cases.  The largest difference would occur in the 2p case (estimated to be about .0015% difference: 3.399 68 vs 3.399 63 eV), which should be examined with particular care.  The easiest measurement would be the drop from each to the 1s case, 50 micro eV of 10.2 eV, which is normally within the uncertainty of measurements.

The ellipse is 4.0000 units wide by 3.7417 units high, the shape of a 2p orbit.  The foci are .7071 units right and left of the center.  In a Hydrogen atom, the proton is near 1 focus, so the distance to the electron varies from 1.2929 to 2.7071 units, where a unit is the radius of a 1s orbit.  Note that the center of mass of the atom is at the focus, not the proton.

If ununennium has a 5g electron, the next 17 elements would fill the 5g sub-shell (with an 8s electron added temporarily after 9 5g electrons, due to the stability of a half-full sub-shell – similar to the configuration of Gadolinium).  This would give 18 noble elements at the end of the periodic table (plus 2 alkalis: element 128 and 137).  Dirac’s limit sets a ceiling to atomic number around 137, so no additional configurations would occur. Boiling point on the final 20 elements is rather high for a noble gas (and the melting point of the alkalis is rather low), with at least some liquids at room temperature.

The ellipse is 4.0000 units wide by 3.7417 units high, the shape of a 2p orbit.  The foci are .7071 units right and left of the center.  In a Hydrogen atom, the proton is near 1 focus, so the distance to the electron varies from 1.2929 to 2.7071 units, where a unit is the radius of a 1s orbit.  Note that the center of mass of the atom is at the focus, not the proton.



n Orbit
E# f: Focal Length a b l-min l-max Eccen-
1 S 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 P 1 0.7071 1 0.707 .293 1.707 0.707
2 S 0 0 2 2 2 2 0
2 P 1 0.7071 2 1.871 1.293 2.707 0.354
2 D 2 1.4142 2 1.414 0.586 3.414 0.707
3 S 0 0 3 3 3 3 0
3 P 1 0.7071 3 2.915 2.293 3.707 0.236
3 D 2 1.4142 3 2.646 1.586 4.414 0.471
3 F 3 2.1213 3 2.121 0.879 5.121 0.707
4 S 0 0 4 4 4 4 0
4 P 1 0.7071 4 3.937 3.293 4.707 0.177
4 D 2 1.4142 4 3.742 2.586 5.414 0.354
4 F 3 2.1213 4 3.391 1.879 6.121 0.530
4 G 4 2.8284 4 2.828 1.172 6.828 0.707
5 S 0 0 5 5 5 5 0
5 P 1 0.7071 5 4.950 4.293 5.707 0.141
5 D 2 1.4142 5 4.796 3.586 6.414 0.283
5 F 3 2.1213 5 4.528 2.879 7.121 0.424
5 G 4 2.8284 5 4.123 2.172 7.828 0.566
5 H 5 3.5355 5 3.536 1.464 8.536 0.707
6 S 0 0 6 6 6 6 0
6 P 1 0.7071 6 5.958 5.293 6.707 0.118
6 D 2 1.4142 6 5.831 4.586 7.414 0.236
6 F 3 2.1213 6 5.612 3.879 8.121 0.354
6 G 4 2.8284 6 5.292 3.172 8.828 0.471
6 H 5 3.5355 6 4.848 2.464 9.536 0.589
6 I 6 4.2426 6 4.243 1.757 10.243 0.707
7 S 0 0 7 7 7 7 0
7 P 1 0.7071 7 6.964 6.293 7.707 0.101
7 D 2 1.4142 7 6.856 5.586 8.414 0.202
7 F 3 2.1213 7 6.671 4.879 9.121 0.303
7 G 4 2.8284 7 6.403 4.172 9.828 0.404
7 H 5 3.5355 7 6.042 3.464 10.536 0.505
7 I 6 4.2426 7 5.568 2.757 11.243 0.606
7 J 7 4.9497 7 4.950 2.050 11.950 0.707
8 S 0 0 8 8 8 8 0
8 P 1 0.7071 8 7.969 7.293 8.707 0.088
8 D 2 1.4142 8 7.874 6.586 9.414 0.177
8 F 3 2.1213 8 7.714 5.879 10.121 0.265
8 G 4 2.8284 8 7.483 5.172 10.828 0.354
8 H 5 3.5355 8 7.176 4.464 11.536 0.442
8 I 6 4.2426 8 6.782 3.757 12.243 0.530
8 J 7 4.9497 8 6.285 3.050 12.950 0.619
8 K 8 5.6569 8 6.657 2.343 13.657 0.707
9 S 0 0 9 9 9 9 0
9 P 1 0.7071 9 8.972 8.293 9.707 0.079
9 D 2 1.4142 9 8.888 7.586 10.414 0.157
9 F 3 2.1213 9 8.746 6.879 11.121 0.236
9 G 4 2.8284 9 8.544 6.172 11.828 0.314
9 H 5 3.5355 9 8.276 5.464 12.536 0.393
9 I 6 4.2426 9 7.937 4.757 13.243 0.471
9 J 7 4.9497 9 7.517 4.050 13.950 0.550
9 K 8 5.6569 9 7.000 3.343 14.657 0.629
9 L 9 6.3640 9 6.364 2.636 15.364 0.707
10 S 0 0 10 10 10 10 0
10 P 1 0.7071 10 9.975 9.293 10.707 0.071
10 D 2 1.4142 10 9.899 8.586 11.313 0.141
10 F 3 2.1213 10 9.772 7.879 12.121 0.212
10 G 4 2.8284 10 9.592 7.172 12.828 0.283
10 H 5 3.5355 10 9.354 6.464 13.536 0.354
10 I 6 4.2426 10 9.055 5.757 14.243 0.424
10 J 7 4.9497 10 8.689 5.050 14.950 0.495
10 K 8 5.6569 10 8.246 4.343 15.657 0.566
10 L 9 6.3640 10 7.714 3.636 16.364 0.636
10 M 10 7.0711 10 7.071 2.929 17.071 0.707
11 S 0 0 11 11 11 11 0
11 P 1 0.7071 11 10.977 10.293 11.707 0.064
11 D 2 1.4142 11 10.909 9.586 12.313 0.129
11 F 3 2.1213 11 10.794 8.879 13.121 0.193
11 G 4 2.8284 11 10.630 8.172 13.828 0.257
11 H 5 3.5355 11 10.416 7.464 14.536 0.321
11 I 6 4.2426 11 10.149 6.757 15.243 0.386
11 J 7 4.9497 11 9.823 6.050 15.950 0.450
11 K 8 5.6569 11 9.434 5.343 16.657 0.514
11 L 9 6.3640 11 8.972 4.636 17.364 0.579
11 M 10 7.0711 11 8.426 3.929 18.071 0.643
11 N 11 7.7782 11 7.778 3.222 18.778 0.707
12 S 0 0 12 12 12 12 0
12 P 1 0.7071 12 11.979 11.293 12.707 0.059
12 D 2 1.4142 12 11.916 10.586 13.313 0.118
12 F 3 2.1213 12 11.811 9.879 14.121 0.177
12 G 4 2.8284 12 11.662 9.172 14.828 0.236
12 H 5 3.5355 12 11.467 8.464 15.536 0.295
12 I 6 4.2426 12 11.225 7.757 16.243 0.354
12 J 7 4.9497 12 10.932 7.050 16.950 0.412
12 K 8 5.6569 12 10.583 6.343 17.657 0.471
12 L 9 6.3640 12 10.173 5.636 18.364 0.530
12 M 10 7.0711 12 9.695 4.929 19.071 0.589
12 N 11 7.7782 12 9.138 4.222 19.778 0.648
12 O 12 8.4853 12 8.485 3.515 20.485 0.707


The ellipse is 4.0000 units wide by 3.7417 units high, the shape of a 2p orbit.  The foci are .7071 units right and left of the center.  In a Hydrogen atom, the proton is near 1 focus, so the distance to the electron varies from 1.2929 to 2.7071 units, where a unit is the radius of a 1s orbit.  Note that the center of mass of the atom is at the focus, not the proton.

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