COLOR AND CHARGE AS PLANAR EXPRESSIONS OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM Aran David Stubbs This focuses on the particle side of the wave/particle duality, since Schrödinger has done a satisfactory job of covering the wave side. It treats the “elementary” particles (leptons, photons, and quarks) as structures and examines their content. It includes an explanation of color and charge as special instances of angular momentum. This includes trapped tachyons (especially the graviton) as fundamental to structure. Each tachyon has its own granularity constant. The graviton generates h as its granularity constant (when in a photon). The intermediate layer (here called proto-matter) has pieces about Planck’s length over ?3 in diameter (9.2*10-36 m) trapping a pair of gravitons. The proto-matter wavicles in turn are comprised of much smaller wavicles (here called infra-matter) about 10-57 m in diameter. The graviton is also an infra-matter wavicle. The only non-tachyon infra-matter is the infra-photon, a luxon. The tachyons are trapped by the Lorentz contraction as applied to tachyons, which gives Lv = L0i v/c, where the L is the apparent length of the orbiting wavicle from the tachyon’s perspective. This theory eliminates virtual wavicles and the Higgs boson, treating the fundamental forces as the result of wave on wave refraction. The elementary particles have net angular momentum from the combination of charge based and structure based angular momentum (as the large quantities of color based angular momentum and gravity based angular momentum always cancel out for known wavicles). The charge based amount is a constant for the charged leptons, the structure based amount is dependent on type (with the electron and the electron neutrino each having 1 small unit: h/12c). The infra-matter bits creating color and charge occupy p orbitals within the proto-matter, with their potential vectors of angular momentum 60 degrees apart. Thus red is 120 degrees away from each of blue and green, while it is 180 degrees from anti-red. The kinetic energy of the color bits is about 1.9 MeV, while the kinetic energy of the charge bits is about 13.9 KeV. Each structure with net color has a proto-diquark with a color/anti-color pair orbiting above (red/anti-red if the net color is red or anti-red). A structure with net charge has a proto-photon orbiting above for each unpaired color bit This gives either a proton or neutron 17.2 MeV of “rest” energy, the rest of their energy being kinetic at the proto-matter level. This gives a calculated diameter of the proton of 1.6075 fm. The neutron is about 1.93 fm. Each has a diquark and a monoquark. The proton adds a photon-like shell.