An Alternate View of Nuclear Structure: All Complete Structures
Aran David Stubbs
Family A
This family includes all complete structures (up to a
reasonable size and eccentricity), and in the second table many derived structures.
Structures are either rectilinear solids (built of body centered
cubic arrangements of diquarks and monoquarks) or octahedra whose cores are such solids.
Dirac gives a theoretic limit to z (charge on a nucleus when in an atom) of about 137,
values of z past 133 can be ignored for real world situations (as the inner electrons crash
into the nucleus destroying it during normal 1s orbits). Any of the 3 color schemes
is possible for a single nucleus,
but a nucleus can't have monoquarks of 2 different colors.
For simplicity only examples with red monoquarks are shown.
Eccentric solutions are marked with an E. Skew solutions with T for thin (starting from a 2x3 block less 2 corners)
, an S for standard (starting from a 3x3 square less 2 corners)
, H for half fat (starting from a 3x4 block less 2 corners)
, or F for fat (starting from a 4x4 square less 2 corners)
. The first of each of these patterns is the first degree instance, higher degree instances ad nauseum can be generated. Thin skew has equivalent solutions from other patterns, so is not deeply examined (since in each case the bond count distribution is worse than
its twin). Skewing can effect 2 vertices, 4 vertices, or all 6 vertices, based on the number of planes skewed.
Different vertices can be of different types (a fatly skewed vertex and a half-fat skewed vertex for instance), but not all combinations are possible. Additionally, there are the Diagonal types D (with 3 spheres at each end) and DC (with intact 2x2x2 cubes at each end) occupying a diagonal through the center of a cube at the lowest layer (layer 1 of each of these is a line of disconnected spheres), and diagonals based on other blocks (DT for thin 1x2x2 stacked diagonally, FDC for fat diagonal cubes, HDC for half-fat diagonal cubes), and diagonal types derived from the symmetric and near symmetric solutions. See individual pages for details on each type.
Eccentric solutions have rectangular vertices (either 4 or 6 rectangular, depending on number of dimensions of eccentricity), skew solutions have diagonal vertices (2 per dimension of skewing). Each skew solution can be extended so all surface spheres with 5 neighbors gets a sixth, but that sphere is weakly bound to the structure, so non-extended are stronger. Extended solutions get an X suffix before the layer. All complete structures have 6 total vertices, those neither rectangular nor diagonal are square. A few solutions are both Skew and Eccentric - those have formats S1E-1 etc., each has 2 diagonal vertices and 4 rectangular. To keep dimensionality 1 digit, dimensions higher than 9 use A and B to mean 10 and 11 (So S00AL1 is a skew solution with 10 degrees of skewing in a single dimension, while S000LB is a symmetric solution with 11 layers). Eccentricity from the 2x2x2 base can be either positive or negative: E-1-1 has a core that is 1x1x2. E+1+3 has a core that is 2x3x5. There are a few symmetric groups of solutions (Marked E0,0): even with a core of 2x2x2, even with a core of 4x4x4 (typically with 2x2 vertices added to each face), and odd with a core of 1x1x1 (each of these have 6 square vertices). Odd with 3x3x3 or 5x5x5 could be generated, but like the 1x1x1 case they have parity violations, so why bother? The first even symmetric solution is also known as S000 (skew of 0 in all 3 dimensions) or DC0 (a single cube). D0 is equivalent to the first odd symmetric case. To distinguish among these, an O suffix is added for the first odd, and a Q for the second even (quad). Eccentric solutions derived from quad usually are beyond the useful portion of the ridge system, but the first few are included.
Overall degree of skewing can be calculated as square root of the sum of the squares of the
individual dimensional skewing – ie S236 is degree 7, just as S007 is. Similar measures for
eccentric and hybrid types can also be used. All structures with skewing under 7, and most
through 10 are listed (all through skewing of 12 were included in calculations). Some groups
have parallel members of other groups (from some point onward they exactly match interior and
surface counts), a see also comment is added for those.
Odd solutions (with 3 odd dimensions) have a parity violation, as do hybrid solutions with odd
eccentricity, but both are included for completeness. The first table just gives the complete structures:
nearly complete structures with a vertex trimmed or removed are also feasible, and may be
the actual best fit for a baryon count. Trimming of skew vertices normally is 6 spheres
at a time (2 sets of to
trimming of eccentric or even symmetric is normally 4 spheres (again 2 sets but now
This removes an even chunk from both vertices of a pair,
maintaining reflective symmetry and keeping bond count distribution similar. Addition of 2 trios (or larger
triangular clumps of spheres) to appropriate spots may also be possible, for example extending S000L1 to D1L2.
These addition, when not explicitly in another group, are marked with an r (so E-1-1+2t2L3 has 1 such addition),
in the second table.
For some larger solutions additions of 6 spheres, 10 spheres, or 15 spheres (triangles of 3, 4, and 5 on
an edge) are possible. These are called sextets, dectets, and pents respectively. These are abbreviated
t3, t4, t5, t6, ..., tn, ... . These overlays are typically are 2 less than the lowest edge count of a face, but can excede the face size (see DS001 for instance). If the triangle
is not the largest allowed, adjacent spheres can be added covering 1 less sphere than is added
(so adding 3 spheres at the edge of a dectet hides 2 spheres, growing the surface by 1 sphere).
Solutions with 2 equivalent names are equated with the abbreviation aka (also known as). For instance:
S001+2t2L1 aka D1L2. A symmetric addition involves 2 faces at a time (to maintain reflective symmetry). As all 8 faces
can receive additions, long strings of addition symbols are possible: S001x+2t4+2t2+2sL4 has a pair of dectets,
a pair of trios, and 2 single spheres added to an extended skew solution at layer 4 with 1 degree of skewing
in a single dimension. Complicated cases have annotations in the link popup. For especially large base cases,
adding a trimmed triangle with 3 corners removed is often a better fit. These are called hexagons with h2
being a dectet less 3, and h3 being a 15 sphere triangle less 3. In principle h4 and above could be generated.
A solution (whether complete or derived) has an overall eccentricity that is comprised of skew, eccentricity, and "fluffiness". Where the last is the difference between the actual surface and an ideal octahedra, as exemplified by the odd symmetric case. Even the even symmetric is slightly fluffy, since the vertices are 2x2 squares rather than a single sphere. Cases where the solution is derived from the even symmetric with additions on all 8 faces have more surface per volume than the even symmetric itself, while still looking symmetric (even spherical) to the naked eye. For example, Fm-252 is derived from Po-224 with 8 h2's added, increasing the surface by 32 spheres, but only increasing the total volume by 56 spheres.
Ridgelines of solutions occur with decreasing frequency (that is, with increasing length between final solutions). The “Best Fit” column is the active ridgeline, and “Nearly Best” is the ridgeline directly above (using the ratio of surface to interior, here normalized by adding 8 to each to prevent division by zero), which becomes best fit after the current ridge is exhausted. The final 2 solutions on a ridgeline are the best for the ridge and include the symmetric cases (odd on the odd ridgeline and even on the even ridgelines). "Other" solutions are beyond the nearly best (that is, they have more surface for the baryon count than either best fit or nearly best do). The best fit and nearly best for the first 18 ridgelines are grouped in family BE (even ridgelines), and family BO (odd). A shorter form of this family (A), with only best fit and nearly best that are reasonable z values (not beyond 150, which is slightly above Dirac's limit of 137) can be found as FamilyG. All the solutions through a reasonable eccentricity on the first 22 ridgelines (and a bunch above those) are included here. Ridge 18 crosses Dirac's limit in its best fit section, all ridges beyond that are above it (hence impossible) for the best fit portion of their run. The step up to the next ridgeline (both in surface size and degree of skewing) increases with overall size, but even the step up from ridge 22 to ridge 23 is only 20 surface spheres, and 5 skew degrees. The minimum ratio for the ridgeline (at the final solution on the ridgeline) is shown in bold. Ridges of solutions are clean in the best fit section (essentially straight lines), but get wider away from the end point. Beyond the nearly best section they often overlap the ridges on either side.
Each cell has cell title plus surface sphere count, interior sphere count, baryon count (half the sum of above 2), ridge number, and often the count of complete cubes. Those solutions with at least 1 picture are marked Pic. Those rows or cells with a parity violation are highlighted in pink. Trimmed and extended solutions with asymmetric addition/subtraction are highlighted in blue. They probably are invalid, as they lack reflective symmetry. The approximate position within each ridgeline a group is found (the number of complete structures beyond it that exist within each ridge) is shown on the row title cell. For higher degrees of skewing mild variation in position is common. Exact position is calculated for best fit and nearly best. Parallel structures are considered as using only 1 position slot. In general, distance from the end of the ridge is proportionate to the degree of skewing. Where degree of skewing is similar, solutions may overlap.
In addition to surface versus interior, a particular solution has Dipole. This is the asymmetry in charge, and determines which reasonable size solution is actual best. For small nuclei, with many surface downs, dipole is an afterthought. For large solutions, where every surface monoquark is an up, it becomes paramount. Solutions with high dipole (requiring more than 8 surface downs are highlighted in yellow, those requring more than 4, but fewer than 9 are in light yellow). Not all dipoles have been calculated so far, a white background does not guarantee low dipole. A computer analysis of dipole is neccessary to get an exact best match, especially where a solution has many variants. For instance S011+2t2+2sL6 has 2 trios of spheres and 2 single spheres added to its surface. These can be placed in trillions of places, hundreds of which are allowed by reflective symmetry, but 1 particular solution is the actual "best" for Astatine 220, leading to its 4 minute half-life. The others are no better than transient meta-states. Cases where 2 solutions have the same surface and interior may lead to longer lasting meta-states. An additional complication results from the existence of multiple charge surface, sets of spheres equidistant from the center of the nucleus. Solutions with few charge surfaces have less energy than otherwise equivalent surface with many, so a solution derived from the symmetric or near- symmetric solutions will be preferred over an otherwise similar solution.
And here is the same data arranged by Baryon Count (plus a slew of additional near complete and extended solutions).
Count |
Best Fit |
Normed Ratio & (Ideal Z) |
Nearly Best |
Other 1 |
Other 2 |
Other 3 |
Other 4 |
Other 5 |
Other 6 |
0.5 |
1S,0I Pic |
1.125 Ridge 1 |
1 |
2S,0I Pic |
1.250 Ridge 2 (0.60) |
1.5 |
3S,0I Pic |
1.375 (0.85) |
2 |
4S,0I Pic |
1.500 (1.10) |
4S,0I Pic |
4S,0I Pic |
4S,0I Pic |
2.5 |
(1.35) |
E+0+4OL1 5S,0I |
3 |
6S,0I Pic |
1.750 (1.60) |
6S,0I Pic |
6S,0I Pic |
6S,0I Pic |
T2E-1L1 6S,0I Pic |
E+0+5OL1 6S,0I Pic |
3.5 |
6S,1I Pic |
1.556 Ridge 3 (1.85) |
S1E-1L1 7S,0I Pic |
E+0+6OL1 7S,0I Pic |
4 |
8S,0I Pic |
2.000 (2.10) |
aka T001L1 8S,0I Pic |
8S,0I Pic |
DT1L1 8S,0I |
E+0+7OL1 8S,0I Pic |
4.5 |
(2.35) |
E+2+2OL1 9S,0I |
E+0+8OL1 9S,0I |
5 |
or E-1-1-2vL2 10S,0I Pics |
2.250 (2.60) |
or S000L1+2s 10S,0I Pic |
S2E-1L1 10S,0I |
10S,0I Pic |
E+0+9OL1 10S,0I Pic |
5.5 |
(2.85) |
E+0+AOL1 11S,0I |
6 |
aka E-1-1L2 10S,2I Pic |
1.800 Ridge 4 (3.10) |
12S,0I Pic |
12S,0I Pic |
E+2+3OL1 12S,0I Pic |
12S,0I Pic |
6.5 |
(3.35) |
S3E-1L1 13S,0I |
7 |
aka D1L2 or DS001L2 12S,2I Pic |
2.000 (3.60) |
aka S001L1 14S,0I Pic |
aka DS011L2 14S,0I Pic |
E-1+5L1 14S,0I Pic |
7.5 |
(3.85) |
DC1L2 14S,1I Pic |
E+2+4OL1 15S,0I |
8 |
aka S001xL1 14S,2I Pic |
2.200 (4.10) |
16S,0I Pic |
16S,0I Pic |
S4E-1L1 16S,0I |
E-1+6L1 16S,0I Pic |
DT3L1 16S,0I |
8.5 |
14S,3I |
2.000 (4.35) |
9 |
16S,2I Pic |
2.400 (4.60) |
aka E+1+1L1 18S,0I Pic |
H3TL1 or E+2+5OL1 18S,0I Pics |
E-1+7L1 18S,0I Pic |
9.5 |
(4.85) |
S5E-1L1 19S,0I |
10 |
aka D1+2t2L2 or E+0-1L2 16S,4I Pics |
2.000 (5.10) |
aka E+1+1xL1 18S,2I Pic |
20S,0I Pic |
20S,0I |
E-1+8L1 20S,0I |
10.5 |
(5.35) |
S1E+1L2 20S,1I |
E+2+6OL1 21S,0I |
11 |
S001x+2t2L1 Pic or E+0-1+2sL2 or E+0+3OL2 Pic 18S,4I |
2.167 (5.60) |
20S,2I Pics |
S6E-1L1 22S,0I |
E-1+9L1 22S,0I |
12 |
(6.10) |
or E+0-1+4sL2 or H001xL2 20S,4I Pics |
22S,2I Pic |
24S,0I Pic |
24S,0I Pic |
E+0+4L1 24S,0I |
12.5 |
18S,7I Pic |
1.733 Ridge 5 (6.35) |
E+4+4OL1 25S,0I |
S7E-1L1 25S,0I |
13 |
E+0-1+2t2L2 or aka S000-2t2L2 aka D1+4t2L2 aka D-1L2 Pic or E-1-1-2t3L3 Pic aka DE-1L2 Pic 20S,6I |
1.857 (6.60) |
or E+2+5OxL1 22S,4I Pics |
25S,1I Pic |
26S,0I Pic |
13.5 |
(6.85) |
22S,5I |
E+2+8OL1 27S,0I |
14 |
S011xL2 or S003x-4sL1 or aka E-1+1L2 or DE-1+2sL2 or D-1+2sL2 22S,6I Pics |
2.143 (7.10) |
24S,4I Pic |
26S,2I Pic |
E+0+5L1 28S,0I |
S8E-1L1 28S,0I |
15 |
S011x+2sL2 Pic or S000-2sL2 aka D-1+4sL2 Pic or S002x+2t2L1 Pic or DE-1+4sL2 24S,6I |
2.286 (7.60) |
26S,4I Pic |
S2E+1L2 28S,2I |
30S,0I |
15.5 |
S1E-1L2 24S,7I |
2.133 (7.85) |
S9E-1L1 31S,0I |
16 |
aka T001L2 Pic or S000L2 Pic or DE-1+2t2L2 24S,8I |
2.000 (7.95) |
or E+0+5OL2 26S,6I |
S004L1 or E+2+2L1 32S,0I |
E+0+6L1 32S,0I |
17 |
or DT1L2 or S000+2sL2 or S011x+2t2L2 26S,8I Pics |
2.125 (8.40) |
30S,4I Pic |
SAE-1L1 34S,0I |
17.5 |
(8.62) |
S1E+3L2 32S,3I |
E+4+6OL1 35S,0I |
18 |
26S,10I Pic |
1.889 (8.85) |
E-1+2L2 Pic or S000+4sL2 Pic or T001+4sL2 Pic or H002XL2 or F001XL2 Pic 28S,8I |
30S,6I |
34S,2I |
E+1+4L1 36S,0I |
E+0+7L1 36S,0I |
18.5 |
(9.08) |
E+0+6OL2 30S,7I |
19 |
aka DE-1+2t3L3 aka E-1-1L3 26S,12I Pic |
1.700 Ridge 6 (9.30) |
28S,10I |
S005L1 38S,0I |
19.5 |
30S,9I |
2.235 (9.52) |
S3E+1L2 36S,3I |
20 |
28S,12I Pic |
1.800 (9.75) |
30S,10I Pic |
S111L2 Pic or E+0+1-4sL2 aka T001+8sL2 Pic or S004xL1 or E+2+2xL1 32S,8I |
36S,4I |
E+2+3L1 40S,0I |
E+0+8L1 40S,0I |
21 |
30S,12I Pic |
1.900 (10.20) |
S111+2sL2 Pic or S012x+2sL2 or S2E-1L2 32S,10I |
S1E+4L2 38S,4I |
E+1+5L1 42S,0I |
22 |
aka DS011L3 or S000+2t3L2 aka DS001L3 30S,14I Pics |
1.728 (10.65) |
or S111+4sL2 or S000+4t2L2 32S,12I Pics |
34S,10I |
S2E+2xL2 or FDC1L2 Pic or E+1+4xL1 36S,8I |
S013L2 Pic or S1E+4xL2 38S,6I |
S006L1 44S,0I |
E+0+9L1 44S,0I |
23 |
D1L3 Pic or S111xL2 Pic 32S,14I |
1.818 (11.10) |
34S,12I Pic |
36S,10I Pic |
23.5 |
(11.32) |
E+0+8OL2 38S,9I |
24 |
aka S001L2 Pic or S111X+2sL2 or D1+2sL3 Pic 34S,14I |
1.909 (11.55) |
DT2L2 Pic or H003XL2 or E+0+1+4sL2 aka E+0-1-4vL3 Pic 36S,12I |
38S,10I |
40S,8I Pic |
44S,4I |
S4E+1L2 44S,4I |
E+2+4L1 48S,0I |
E+1+6L1 48S,0I |
24.5 |
(11.78) |
S1E+5L2 44S,5I |
E+6+6OL1 49S,0I |
25 |
aka S001xL2 34S,16I Pic |
1.750 (12.00) |
36S,14I Pic |
38S,12I |
S2E+3L2 44S,6I |
E+3+3L1 50S,0I |
S007L1 50S,0I |
25.5 |
34S,17I |
1.680 (12.22) |
DC1L3 36S,15I Pic |
26 |
or S001x+2sL2 or DSCSxL2 or E+0-1-2vL3 36S,16I Pics |
1.833 (12.45) |
S001+4sL2 Pic or S013xL2 Pic or F002XL2 38S,14I |
E-1+4L2 or E+2+3xL1 40S,12I |
E+1+5xL1 42S,10I |
S3E+2L2 46S,6I |
26.5 |
(12.68) |
S3E-1L2 40S,13I |
27 |
E+2+3OxL2 or aka E-1-1Qx+8sL2 38S,16I Pics |
1.917 (12.90) |
46S,8I |
E+1+7L1 54S,0I |
28 |
aka E+0-1L3 36S,20I Pic |
1.571 (13.35) |
S022xL2 or 40S,16I Pics |
42S,14I Pic |
S006xL1 44S,12I |
S1E+6L2 50S,6I |
E+2+5L1 56S,0I |
S008L1 56S,0I |
28.5 |
(13.58) |
E+0+AOL2 46S,11I |
S5E+1L2 52S,5I |
29 |
E+0-1+2sL3 or S111+2t3L2 Pic 38S,20I |
1.643 (13.80) |
40S,18I Pic |
42S,16I Pic |
S3E+2xL2 46S,12I |
S1E+6xL2 50S,8I |
30 |
E+0-1+4sL3 Pic or S001+2t3L2 40S,20I |
1.714 (14.25) |
aka E+1+1L2 or S112+4sL2 42S,18I Pics |
44S,16I |
E-1+5L2 46S,14I |
E+1+6xL1 48S,12I |
S2E+4L2 52S,8I |
E+3+4L1 60S,0I |
E+1+8L1 60S,0I |
30.5 |
(14.48) |
E+2+4OL2 46S,15I |
31 |
or S001x+2t3L2 aka S002x-6sL2 40S,22I Pics |
1.600 (14.70) |
aka E+1+1xL2 42S,20I Pic |
or S112+6sL2 or E+0+3O-2sL3 42S,20I Pics |
46S,16I |
50S,12I |
S009L1 62S,0I |
31.5 |
38S,25I Pic |
1.394 Ridge 7 (14.92) |
S1E+7L2 56S,7I |
32 |
S112xL2 Pic or E+0+3OL3 Pic or DE-1L3 or D-1L3 42S,22I |
1.667 (15.15) |
S002L2 or aka E+0-1QxL2 44S,20I Pics |
46S,18I |
S4E-1L2 or E+2+4xL1 48S,16I |
S007xL1 50S,14I |
S2E+4xL2 52S,12I S015L2 54S,10I |
E+0+0QL2 Pic or S4E+2L2 56S,8I |
E+2+6L1 64S,0I |
32.5 |
S1E+1L3 44S,21I |
1.793 (15.38) |
S3E+3L2 56S,9I |
33 |
DE-1-2sL3 Pic or D-1-2sL3 42S,24I |
1.562 (15.60) |
44S,22I Pic |
46S,20I |
S6E+1L2 60S,6I |
E+1+9L1 66S,0I |
34 |
42S,26I Pics |
1.471 (16.05) |
E+0-1+4t2L3 Pic or S002xL2 Pic or H001xL3 44S,24I |
46S,22I Pic |
or F003XL2 48S,20I |
E+3+3xL1 50S,18I |
E-1+6L2 52S,16I |
E+1+7xL1 54S,14I |
S00AL1 68S,0I |
35 |
DE-1+2sL3 Pic or D-1+2sL3 44S,26I |
1.529 (16.50) |
46S,24I Pic |
48S,22I Pic |
E+3+3xxL1 50S,20I |
S1E+8L2 62S,8I |
S2E+5L2 60S,10I |
E+3+5L1 70S,0I |
36 |
S011+2sL3 Pic or DE-1+4sL3 or D-1+4sL3 46S,26I |
1.588 (16.95) |
48S,24I Pic |
50S,22I |
S113L2 Pic or H005XL2 52S,20I |
54S,18I |
S008xL1 or S4E+2xL2 56S,16I |
S1E+8xL2 62S,10I |
E+4+4L1 E+2+7L1 72S,0I |
37 |
S011xL3 Pic or S000-6sL3 aka D-1+2t2L3 or E+1+1+14sL2 aka E-1+1L3 Pic or DE-1+2t2L3 46S,28I |
1.500 (17.40) |
S016L2 62S,12I |
37.5 |
(17.62) |
S5E-1L2 56S,19I |
S7E+1L2 68S,7I |
38 |
aka T001-4sL3 or S000-4sL3 aka D-1+2t2+2sL3 or S011x+2sL3 or E-1+1+2sL3 48S,28I Pics |
1.706 (17.85) |
50S,26I Pic |
52S,24I |
S015xL2 54S,22I |
E+2+5xL1 56S,20I |
E-1+7L2 58S,18I |
S024L2 or E+1+8xL1 60S,16I |
S5E+2L2 66S,10I |
38.5 |
(18.08) |
50S,27I |
39 |
S000-2sL3 Pic 48S,30I |
1.611 (18.30) |
or E-1-1-6vL4 50S,28I Pics |
54S,24I Pic |
S3E+4L2 66S,12I |
39.5 |
S1E-1L3 48S,31I |
1.436 (18.52) |
40 |
aka T001L3 Pic or S000L3 Pic aka DE-1+2t3L3 48S,32I |
1.400 (18.75) |
or S011x+2t2L3 50S,30I Pics |
52S,28I |
S003L2 Pic or E+2+5OxL2 54S,26I |
E+0+4L2 56S,24I |
S033L2 or S009xL1 62S,18I |
S2E+6L2 or S4E+3L2 or E+0+1QL2 Pic 68S,12I |
E+2+8L1 or E+3+6L1 80S,0I |
41 |
S000+2sL3 or 50S,32I Pics |
1.450 (19.20) |
52S,30I Pic |
54S,28I |
41.5 |
(19.42) |
E+2+6OL2 62S,21I |
42 |
50S,34I Pic |
1.381 (19.65) |
or S000+4sL3 52S,32I Pics |
54S,30I Pic |
58S,26I |
E+3+4xL1 60S,24I E-1+8L2 64S,20I |
S3E+4xL2 or E+1+9xL1 66S,18I |
S2E+6xL2 68S,16I S017L2 70S,14I |
S8E+1L2 76S,8I E+4+5L1 84S,0I |
43 |
50S,36I |
1.318 (20.10) |
DT1L3 or 52S,34I Pics |
54S,32I Pic |
S2E+1L3 56S,30I |
S6E-1L2 64S,22I |
S5E+2xL2 66S,20I |
44 |
aka E-1-1L4 50S,38I Pic |
1.261 Ridge 8 (20.54) |
S122xL3 or 54S,34I Pics |
or S000+8sL3 aka E+0+0QxL2 56S,32I Pic |
S024xL2 or E+3+4xxL1 60S,28I |
S114L2 or S016xL2 62S,26I |
E+2+6xL1 64S,24I |
S00AxL1 68S,20I |
S6E+2L2 76S,12I |
45 |
52S,38I |
1.304 (20.95) |
54S,36I Pic |
56S,34I Pic |
58S,32I |
S025L2 70S,20I |
S2E+7L2 76S,14I |
E+3+7L1 90S,0I |
45.5 |
(21.16) |
S3E+5L2 76S,15I |
46 |
S000+2t3L3 Pic 54S,38I Pic |
1.455 (21.36) |
T001+4t2L3 Pic or S000+4t2L3 Pic or E-1+2L3 Pic or H002XL3 or F001XL3 56S,36I |
58S,34I Pic |
E+1+3L2 or S033xL2 62S,30I |
E+0+5L2 64S,28I |
E-1+9L2 70S,22I |
E+1+AxL1 72S,20I |
46.5 |
(21.56) |
S9E+1L2 84S,9I |
47 |
54S,40I Pic |
1.292 (21.77) |
56S,38I Pics |
S018L2 78S,16I |
47.5 |
(21.98) |
E+4+4OL2 70S,25 |
S5E+3L2 80S,15I |
48 |
DS001-4sL3 Pic 56S,40I |
1.333 (22.18) |
58S,38I Pics |
E+0+1-8sL3 Pic 60S,36I |
64S,32I |
S00BxL1 74S,22I |
S4E+4L2 80S,16I |
E+4+6L1 96S,0I |
48.5 |
58S,39I |
1.404 (22.38) |
S7E-1L2 72S,25I |
49 |
aka DS011-2sL4 Pic aka DS001-2sL4 56S,42I |
1.280 (22.59) |
S012xL3 or 58S,40I Pic |
62S,36I |
S034L2 74S,24I |
E+5+5L1 98S,0I |
49.5 |
(22.80) |
S1E+3L3 64S,35I |
50 |
aka DS011L4 or S000+2t4L3 aka DS001-2sL4 56S,44I Pics |
1.231 (23.00) |
E+0+1-4sL3 or S111L3 or 60S,40I Pics |
62S,38I |
66S,34I |
68S,32I |
S017xL2 70S,30I E+2+7xL1 72S,28I |
S6E+2xL2 76S,24I S2E+8L2 84S,16I |
S7E+2L2 86S,14I E+3+8L1 100S,0I |
51 |
DS011+2sL4 Pic 58S,44I |
1.269 (23.41) |
S111+2sL3 Pic or S2E-1L3 60S,42I |
62S,40I |
66S,36I |
SAE+1L2 92S,10I |
51.5 |
(23.62) |
E+0+6OL3 66S,37I |
52 |
E+0+1L3 aka T001+4t3L3 Pic or or S111+4sL3 Pic or DS011+4sL3 Pic or DS001+4sL3 60S,44I |
1.308 (23.82) |
62S,42I |
or E+2+2xL2 64S,40I |
S025xL2 70S,34I |
S115L2 or E+0+6L2 72S,32I |
S026L2 or S4E+4L2 or S00CxL1 80S,24I |
S2E+8xL2 84S,20I |
S3E+6L2 or S019L2 86S,18I |
52.5 |
(24.02) |
E+2+8OL2 78S,27I |
53 |
E-1-1+2t3+2t2L4 Pic or S111xL3 Pic or D1L4 60S,46I |
1.259 (24.23) |
53.5 |
(24.44) |
S3E+1L3 68S,39I |
54 |
S001-2sL3 Pic S111x+2sL3 Pic 62S,46I |
1.296 (24.64) |
aka E+0+1+4sL3 64S,44I Pic |
68S,40I |
E+1+4L2 72S,36I |
S8E-1L2 80S,28I |
55 |
aka S001L3 62S,48I Pic |
1.250 (25.05) |
66S,44I |
S3E+6xL2 86S,24I |
S6E+3L2 92S,18I |
56 |
aka S001xL3 62S,50I Pic |
1.207 (25.46) |
aka E+0+1+8sL3 64S,48I Pic |
or E-1-1QxL3 Pic 66S,46I |
or FDC1L3 or E+0+1QxL2 68S,44I |
S005L2 or S034xL2 74S,38I |
S018xL2 78S,34I |
E+2+8xL1 80S,32I S00DxL1 86S,26I |
S4E+5L2 92S,20I S8E+2L2 96S,16I |
56.5 |
62S,51I |
1.186 (25.66) |
57 |
64S,50I Pic |
1.241 (25.87) |
70S,44I |
S7E+2xL2 86S,28I |
S5E+4L2 94S,20I |
S01AL2 94S,20I |
58 |
64S,52I Pic |
1.200 (26.28) |
66S,50I Pic |
DT2L3 Pic or H003XL3 68S,48I |
E+1+4xL2 72S,44I |
S1E+4L3 74S,42I |
E+2+3L2 76S,40I |
E+0+7L2 80S,36I |
S035L2 86S,30I |
58.5 |
(26.48) |
DC1L4 66S,51I |
S3E+7L2 96S,21I |
59 |
66S,52I Pic |
1.233 (26.69) |
68S,50I |
72S,46I |
S1E+4xL3 74S,44I |
S027L2 90S,28I |
59.5 |
(26.90) |
S9E-1L2 88S,31I |
60 |
aka E+0+1+16sL3 aka T001+4t4L3 64S,56I Pic |
1.125 (27.10) |
68S,52I Pic |
70S,50I |
72S,48I Pic |
S026xL2 80S,40I |
S116L2 82S,38I |
S044L2 88S,32I |
S00ExL1 92S,28I |
61 |
66S,56I Pic |
1.156 (27.51) |
68S,54I Pics |
F002XL3 or S013xL3 Pic 70S,52I |
74S,48I |
78S,44I |
62 |
68S,56I Pics |
1.188 (27.92) |
E+2+3OxL3 or S001x+4t2L3 Pic 70S,54I |
72S,52I Pic |
E+1+5L2 82S,42I |
S019xL2 86S,38I |
S5E+4xL2 94S,30I |
S9E+2L2 106S,18I |
62.5 |
(28.12) |
S3E-1L3 72S,53I |
S7E+3L2 104S,21I |
63 |
68S,58I |
1.152 (28.33) |
70S,56I Pic |
72S,54I Pic |
64 |
S001x+2t4-4sL3 Pic 70S,58I |
1.182 (28.74) |
S022xL3 or E+0+2L3 or 72S,56I Pics |
72S,56I |
E-1+4L3 or E+2+3xL2 76S,52I |
E+0-1QL3 or S133L3 or S4E+1L3 80S,48I |
S006L2 84S,44I |
E+0+8L2 88S,40I |
S8E+2xL2 96S,32I S4E+6L2 104S,24I |
64.5 |
66S,63I Pic |
1.042 Ridge 9 (28.94) |
E+0+8OL3 82S,47I |
E+4+6OL2 94S,35I |
65 |
S001x+2t4-4sL3 Pic 70S,60I |
1.147 (29.15) |
S001+2t3+2t2L3 Pic 72S,58I |
74S,56I Pic |
S2E+3L3 80S,50I |
SAE-1L2 96S,34I |
66 |
S001+2t4L3 Pic 70S,62I |
1.114 (29.56) |
72S,60I Pic |
74S,56I |
S035xL2 86S,46I |
S028L2 100S,32I |
S6E+4L2 108S,24I |
66.5 |
(29.76) |
S1E+5L3 84S,49I |
S5E+5L2 108S,25I |
67 |
D-1L4-6s Pic or DE-1-6sL4 72S,62I |
1.206 (29.97) |
aka E+1+1L3 or S112+4sL3 74S,60I Pics |
S3E+2L3 or E+1+5xL2 82S,52I |
S036L2 98S,36I |
68 |
D-1-4sL4 Pic or DE-1-4sL4 72S,64I |
1.111 (30.38) |
aka E+1+1xL3 or E+0+3O-2vL4 or S112+6sL3 74S,62I Pics |
76S,60I |
78S,58I |
S014L3 or S116xL2 82S,54I |
E+2+4L2 or S044xL2 88S,48I S027xL2 90S,46I |
S117L2 92S,44I S01AxL2 94S,42I |
S4E+6xL2 104S,32I SAE+2L2 116S,20I |
69 |
D-1-2sL4 Pic or DE-1-2sL4 72S,64I |
1.139 (30.79) |
or E+0+3OL4 74S,64I Pics |
70 |
aka D-1L4 Pic or E-1-1-2t5L5 aka DE-1L4 72S,64I |
1.053 (31.20) |
or S002L3 76S,64I Pic |
80S,60I |
82S,58I |
S006xL2 84S,56I |
E+3+3L2 90S,50I E+1+6L2 92S,48I |
E+0+9L2 96S,44I |
S8E+3L2 116S,24I |
70.5 |
S1E+1L4 76S,65I |
1.151 (31.40) |
71 |
D-1+2sL4 Pic 74S,68I |
1.079 (31.61) |
76S,66I Pic |
or S011-2t2L4 78S,64I |
80S,62I |
S045L2 102S,40I |
S9E+2xL2 106S,36I |
71.5 |
(31.82) |
E+2+4OL3 82S,61I |
72 |
E+0-1+4t3L4 Pic or S002xL3 Pic or D-1+2t2-2sL4 Pic or H001xL4 76S,68I |
1.105 (32.02) |
E+0-1QxL3 Pic 80S,64I |
90S,54I |
S007L2 94S,50I |
S6E+4xL2 108S,36I |
73 |
D-1+2t2L4 Pic or DE-1+2t2L4 76S,70I |
1.132 (32.43) |
78S,68I Pic |
82S,64I |
84S,62I |
86S,60I |
S029L2 110S,36I |
74 |
S011L4 Pic or D-1+2t2+2sL4 Pic 78S,70I |
1.103 (32.84) |
or E+0-1+4h2L4 80S,64I Pics |
S4E-1L3 84S,64I |
86S,62I |
S01BxL2 102S,46I |
74.5 |
(33.04) |
S5E+1L3 92S,57I |
75 |
D-1+2t3-2sL4 Pic or S011+2sL4 78S,72I Pic |
1.075 (33.25) |
80S,70I |
S1E+6L3 94S,56I |
S7E+4L2 122S,28I |
76 |
aka S000-8sL4 Pic or S011xL4 Pic or E+1+1+18sL3 aka E-1+1L4 Pic or DE-1+2t3L4 78S,74I |
1.049 (33.66) |
aka T001-8sL4 or S000-2vL4 80S,72I Pics |
82S,70I F003XL3 or 84S,68I |
E+2+4xL2 88S,64I |
S2E+4L3 or E+1+6xL2 92S,60I |
S1E+6xL3 94S,58I S036xL2 98S,54I |
S028xL2 100S,52I S118L2 102S,50I |
S037L2 110S,42I S5E+6L2 122S,30I |
77 |
aka S000-6sL4 Pic or S011x+2sL4 Pic or E-1+1+2sL4 or DE-1+2h2L4 80S,74I Pic |
1.073 (34.07) |
84S,70I |
S117xL2 92S,62I |
S6E+5L2 124S,30I |
77.5 |
(34.28) |
E+0+AOL3 98S,57I |
78 |
T001-4sL4 Pic or D-1+2t4-4sL4 aka S000-4sL4 Pic 80S,76I |
1.048 (34.48) |
82S,74I |
84S,72I |
S2E+4xL3 92S,64I |
94S,62I |
E+2+5L2 100S,56I |
E+1+7L2 102S,54I |
SAE+2xL2 116S,40I |
79 |
aka S000-2sL4 Pic 80S,78I |
1.023 (34.89) |
82S,76I Pic |
86S,72I |
E+3+3xL2 90S,68I |
S015L3 or S007xL2 94S,64I |
79.5 |
S1E-1L4 80S,79I |
1.011 (35.10) |
80 |
aka T001L4 aka S000L4 Pic or DE-1+2t4L4 aka E-1-1-10sL5 80S,80I Pics |
1.000 (35.30) |
82S,78I |
88S,72I Pic |
S125xL3 or E+3+3x2L2 90S,70I |
or S4E+2L3 96S,64I |
S045xL2 102S,58I |
S008L2 104S,56I |
S01CxL2 110S,50I |
80.5 |
(35.50) |
S3E+3L3 96S,65I |
81 |
or E-1-1-4vL5 82S,80I Pics |
1.023 (35.71) |
S5E+6xL2 122S,40I |
81.5 |
(35.92) |
86S,77I |
82 |
82S,82I |
1.000 (36.12) |
or S011x+2t3L4 84S,80I Pic |
86S,78I |
88S,76I Pic |
92S,72I |
E-1+6L3 96S,68I |
E+3+4L2 104S,60I |
S046L2 116S,48I S7E+4xL2 122S,42I |
83 |
82S,84I |
0.978 (36.53) |
84S,82I Pic |
94S,72I |
S126L3 102S,64I |
83.5 |
(36.74) |
S1E+7L3 104S,63I |
84 |
82S,86I |
0.957 (36.94) |
86S,82I Pic |
aka E+1+2xL3 88S,80I Pic |
90S,78I |
S224L3 or S4E+2xL3 96S,72I |
S029xL2 110S,58I |
S119L2 112S,56I |
S055L2 118S,50I S8E+4L2 136S,32I |
85 |
aka E-1-1L5 82S,88I Pic |
0.938 Ridge10 (37.35) |
86S,84I Pic |
or S113xL3 88S,82I Pics |
90S,80I |
S015xL3 94S,76I |
E+1+7xL2 102S,68I |
S6E+1L3 104S,66I |
S038L2 122S,48I |
85.5 |
(37.56) |
S5E-1L3 96S,75I |
86 |
84S,88I Zmax~29 |
0.958 (37.76) |
DT1L4 or 86S,86I Pics |
88S,84I Pic |
90S,82I Pic |
94S,78I |
S118xL2 102S,70I |
S037xL2 110S,62I |
E+1+8L2 112S,60I S01DxL2 118S,54I |
87 |
86S,88I |
0.979 (38.17) |
DT1+2sL4 or 88S,86I Pic |
90S,84I Pic |
94S,80I |
S2E+5L3 104S,70I |
87.5 |
(38.38) |
E+6+6OL2 126S,49I |
88 |
86S,90I |
0.959 (38.58) |
or DT1+4sL4 88S,88I Pic |
90S,86I Pic |
aka E-1+2L4 92S,84I Pics |
96S,80I |
98S,78I S024L3 or E+2+5xL2 100S,76I |
S008xL2 104S,72I |
E+2+6L2 112S,64I S009L2 114S,62I |
89 |
88S,90I Pics |
0.980 (38.98) |
S122xL4 or 90S,88I Pics |
S2E+1L4 92S,86I |
90 |
88S,92I Pics |
0.960 (39.39) |
or T001+4t3L4 92S,88I Pics |
S016L3 106S,74I |
91 |
88S,94I Pic |
0.941 (39.77) |
90S,92I |
92S,90I |
98S,84I |
102S,80I |
E-1+7L3 106S,76I |
92 |
DS001-6sL5 Pic or DS011-6sL5 or E-1-1+2t3+2sL5 Pic 90S,94I |
0.961 (40.14) |
E-1+2L4 Pic or T001+4t3L4 Pic or S000+4t3L4 Pic or H002XL4 or F001XL4 92S,92I |
S224xL3 or S000+8t2L4 Pic aka E+0+0QxL3 96S,88I |
S126xL3 102S,82I |
108S,76I |
S1E+8L3 114S,70I |
S046xL2 116S,68I S02AxL2 120S,64I |
S01ExL2 126S,58I S8E+4L2 136S,32I |
93 |
DS001-4sL5 Pic or DS011-4sL5 or 90S,96I |
0.942 (40.51) |
or S012L4 94S,92I Pics |
S5E+2L3 110S,76I |
S1E+8xL3 114S,72I |
S047L2 130S,56I |
94 |
DS001-2sL5 Pic or DS011-2sL5 or 90S,98I |
0.925 (40.89) |
or S012L4+2s 94S,94I Pics |
98S,90I |
100S,88I |
S3E+4L3 110S,78I E+1+8xL2 112S,76I |
S127L3 114S,74I |
S055xL2 118S,70I |
E+1+9L2 122S,66I S039L2 134S,54I |
94.5 |
(41.08) |
E+2+6OL3 106S,83I |
95 |
aka DS001L5 Pic or E-1-1+2t4L5 aka DS011L5 90S,100I Pic |
0.907 (41.26) |
or S012+4sL4 94S,96I Pics |
96S,94I |
102S,88I |
110S,80I |
S119xL2 112S,78I |
95.5 |
94S,97I |
0.971 (41.45) |
S7E+1L3 116S,75I |
96 |
DS001+2sL5 Pic 92S,100I |
0.926 (41.64) |
S012xL4 or 94S,98I Pics |
96S,96I Pic |
98S,94I |
S4E+3L3 or 112S,80I |
E+4+4L2 112S,72I |
S038xL2 122S,70I |
S00AL2 124S,68I |
97 |
94S,100I Pic |
0.944 (42.01) |
or S111-2sL4 96S,98I Pic |
S033xL3 or 102S,92I |
S016xL3 106S,88I |
S6E-1L3 108S,86I |
S3E+4xL3 110S,84I |
S009xL2 114S,80I |
S056L2 134S,60I |
98 |
DS001+2t2L5 Pic or DS011+2t2L5 94S,102I |
0.927 (42.39) |
or S111L4 or 96S,100I Pics |
S5E+2xL3 110S,86I |
S2E+6L3 116S,80I |
E+2+7L2 124S,72I |
99 |
S2E-1L4 or S111+2sL4 Pic 96S,102I |
0.945 (42.76) |
110S,88I |
100 |
or S111+4sL4 96S,104I Pics |
0.929 (43.14) |
102S,98I |
104S,96I |
E+0+5L3 108S,92I |
E+2+6xL2 112S,88I |
E-1+8L3 or S2E+6xL3 116S,84I |
S02BxL2 130S,70I |
101 |
S111xL4 Pic or D1L5 96S,106I |
0.912 (43.51) |
98S,104I |
100S,102I |
102S,100I |
108S,94I |
S017L3 118S,84I |
101.5 |
(43.70) |
S1E+3L4 104S,99I |
102 |
98S,106I Pic |
0.929 (43.88) |
E+0-1-6vL5 Pic or HDC1xL4 or E+0+1+4sL4 aka E+0-1-16sL5 Pic 100S,104I |
S025L3 114S,90I |
103 |
98S,108I Pics |
0.914 (44.26) |
100S,106I Pics |
106S,100I |
E+1+9xL2 122S,84I |
104 |
aka S001L4 98S,110I Pic |
0.893 (44.63) |
E+0-1-4vL5 Pic or E+0+1+8sL4 100S,108I |
S004xL3 or aka E+2+2xL3 104S,104I |
106S,102I |
110S,98I |
S127xL3 114S,94I |
S11AxL2 122S,86I |
S047xL2 130S,78I S048L2 144S,64I |
105 |
aka S001xL4 98S,112I Pic |
0.883 (45.01) |
100S,110I Pic |
S128L3 126S,84I |
105.5 |
98S,113I |
0.876 (45.20) |
106 |
E+0-1-2vL5 or aka E+0-1-4vL5 or S001x+2sL4 100S,112I Pics |
0.900 (45.38) |
112S,100I |
S136L3 122S,90I |
S6E+2L3 or S00AxL2 124S,88I |
S8E+1L3 128S,84I |
E+3+6L2 132S,80I |
S039xL2 134S,78I |
106.5 |
(45.57) |
E+0+6OL4 110S,103I |
107 |
100S,114I |
0.885 (45.76) |
or S111x+2t3L4 102S,112I Pics |
114S,100I |
107.5 |
(45.94) |
S3E+1L4 108S,107I |
S3E+5L3 124S,91I |
108 |
100S,116I Pic |
0.871 (46.13) |
102S,114I |
106S,110I |
108S,108I Pics |
110S,106I |
S034L3 118S,98I |
S056xL2 134S,82I |
E+2+8L2 136S,80I S02CxL2 140S,76I |
108.5 |
(46.32) |
S7E-1L3 120S,97I |
109 |
100S,118I |
0.857 (46.51) |
104S,114I Pics |
S123xL4 or 106S,112I Pics |
S025xL3 114S,104I |
S017xL3 118S,100I |
E-1+9L3 126S,92I |
S2E+7L3 128S,90I |
110 |
100S,120I Pic |
0.844 (46.88) |
S2E+2xL4 Pic or FDC1L4 108S,112I |
116S,104I |
E+4+5L2 136S,84I |
S057L2 150S,70I |
110.5 |
(47.07) |
DC1L5 104S,117I |
111 |
102S,120I |
0.860 (47.26) |
104S,118I Pic |
111.5 |
(47.44) |
S5E+3L3 128S,95I |
112 |
104S,120I Pic |
0.875 (47.63) |
106S,118I |
DT2L4 Pic or H003XL4 108S,116I |
110S,114I Pic 112S,112I |
116S,108I E+0+6L3 120S,104I |
S6E+2xL3 or E+2+7xL2 124S,100I S145L3 126S,98I |
S4E+4L3 128S,96I E+1+AxL2 132S,92I |
S018L3 130S,94I S066L2 152S,72I |
113 |
E+0-1+2t2L5 Pic 104S,122I |
0.862 (48.00) |
or D-1-24sL5 or DE-1-24sL5 106S,120I |
S001+2t3+2t2L4 Pic or FDC1xL4 or S111x+4t3L4 Pic 108S,118I |
S11BxL2 132S,94I |
114 |
S001+2t4L4 Pic or D-1-22sL5 or DE-1-22sL5 106S,122I |
0.877 (48.38) |
or S222xL4 108S,120I Pics |
124S,104I |
115 |
S001x+2t4L4 Pic or D-1-20sL5 or DE-1-20sL5 106S,122I |
0.864 (48.75) |
E+2+3OL4 or S001+4t3-2sL4 Pic 110S,120I |
S005L3 or 118S,112I |
S00BxL2 134S,96I |
S049L2 158S,72I |
115.5 |
102S,129I Pic |
0.803 Ridge11 (48.94) |
116 |
106S,126I |
0.851 (49.13) |
E+0-1+4t2L5 or or D-1-18sL5 or DE-1-18sL5 or S001+2h3L4 108S,124I Pics |
F002XL4 or S013xL4 Pic S001+4t3L4 Pic 110S,122I |
112S,120I Pic 114S,118I |
E+1+4xL3 116S,116I S136xL3 122S,110I |
S128xL3 126S,106I S026L3 or S4E+4xL3 128S,104I |
S129L3 138S,94I S048xL2 144S,88I |
S03AxL2 146S,86I S02DxL2 150S,82I |
116.5 |
(49.32) |
S9E+1L3 140S,93I |
117 |
D-1-16sL5 Pic DE-1-16sL5 Pic 108S,126I |
0.866 (49.50) |
E+2+3OxL4 or S001x+4t3L4 Pic 110S,124I |
112S,122I Pic |
116S,118I |
118S,116I |
117.5 |
(49.69) |
E+2+8OL3 130S,105I |
118 |
DE-1-14sL5 Pic 108S,128I |
0.853 (49.88) |
S022+4sL4 or 112S,124I Pics |
118S,118I |
120S,116I |
E+3+7L2 146S,90I |
118.5 |
S3E-1L4 112S,125I |
0.902 (50.06) |
119 |
D-1-12sL5 Pic 108S,130I |
0.841 (50.25) |
S022+6sL4 or 112S,126I Pics |
114S,124I Pic |
S7E+2L3 138S,100I |
120 |
108S,132I |
0.829 (50.63) |
or S022xL4 or E+0+2L4 112S,128I Pics |
118S,122I |
S8E-1L3 132S,108I |
S137L3 136S,104I |
S2E+8L3 140S,100I |
121 |
DE-1-10s+2sL5 Pic 110S,132I |
0.843 (51.00) |
112S,130I Pic |
114S,128I Pic |
116S,126I Pic |
S018xL3 130S,112I |
S3E+6L3 138S,104I |
122 |
110S,134I Pic |
0.831 (51.38) |
112S,132I Pic |
114S,130I Pic |
116S,128I Pic |
122S,122I |
S145xL3 126S,118I |
S2E+8xL3 140S,104I |
S11CxL2 142S,102I S057xL2 150S,94I |
123 |
110S,136I |
0.845 (51.75) |
or S002-10sL4 or E+1+1-4sL4 aka S001+4t4-4sL4 114S,132I Pic |
116S,130I Pic |
S019L3 142S,104I |
S058L2 166S,80I |
124 |
110S,138I |
0.859 (52.12) |
or S112+4sL4 or S001+4t4L4 aka E+1+1L4 114S,134I Pics |
or E+0-1+4h2L5 116S,132I Pics |
E-1+4L4 or 120S,128I |
124S,124I S026xL3 128S,120I |
E+0+7L3 132S,116I E+2+8xL2 136S,112I |
S3E+6xL3 138S,110I S00CxL2 144S,104I |
E+4+6L2 or S066xL2 152S,96I |
125 |
aka D-1L5 or E-1-1-2t6L6 aka DE-1L5 110S,140I Pics |
0.797 (52.50) |
or S112+6sL4 or S001x+4t4L4 aka E+1+1Lx4 or E+0+3O-2vL5 114S,136I Pics |
S116L3 130S,120I |
S035L3 134S,116I |
126 |
or DE-1L5+2s 112S,140I |
0.811 (52.87) |
or E+0+3OL5 114S,138I Pics |
or S002-4sL4 116S,136I Pics |
E+0-1QL4 or S133L4 or S4E+1L4 124S,128I |
130S,122I |
S7E+2xL3 138S,114I |
E+5+5L2 154S,98I |
127 |
114S,140I |
0.824 (53.25) |
116S,138I Pics |
S2E+3L4 124S,130I |
E+1+5L3 130S,124I |
S6E+3L3 144S,110I |
SAE+1L3 152S,102I |
S067L2 170S,84I |
128 |
or DE-1L5+2t2 114S,142I |
0.813 (53.62) |
or S002L4 116S,138I Pics |
S044L3 136S,120I |
S129xL3 138S,118I |
S4E+5L3 144S,112I |
S049xL2 158S,98I |
128.5 |
S1E+1L5 116S,141I |
0.832 (53.81) |
129 |
S002+2sL4 Pic or D-1L5+2t2+2s 116S,142I |
0.827 (54.00) |
118S,140I Pic |
122S,136I |
S227L3 138S,120I |
S146L3 142S,116I |
130 |
or H001xL5 or S002xL4 Pic or D-1L5+2t3-2s 116S,144I |
0.816 (54.37) |
126S,134I |
132S,128I |
S027L3 142S,118I |
S5E+4L3 146S,114I |
E+3+8L2 160S,100I |
131 |
or DE-1L5+2t3 116S,146I |
0.805 (54.75) |
or S011-4sL5 or S002x+2sL4 118S,144I Pics |
126S,136I |
S137xL3 136S,126I |
131.5 |
(54.93) |
E+0+8OL4 134S,129I |
S9E-1L3 144S,119I |
132 |
or S011-2sL5 Pic or D-1+2t3+2sL5 or E+1+1+16sL4 aka E-1+1-6sL5 118S,146I |
0.818 (55.12) |
or S000-4vL5 or S112x+2t3L4 120S,144I Pics |
124S,140I |
126S,138I |
E+1+5xL3 130S,134I |
S155L3 144S,120I |
S8E+2L3 152S,112I |
132.5 |
(55.31) |
S1E+5L4 132S,133I |
133 |
S011L5 Pic or D-1+2t4-4sL5 aka S000-14sL5 or E+1+1+18sL4 aka E-1+1-4sL5 118S,148I Pic |
0.808 (55.49) |
124S,142I |
126S,140I |
S116xL3 130S,136I |
S035xL3 134S,132I |
S019xL3 142S,124I |
S00DxL2 154S,112I |
134 |
S011+2sL5 Pic or D-1+2t4-2sL5 aka S000-12sL5 or E+1+1+20sL4 aka E-1+1-2sL5 118S,150I Pic |
0.797 (55.87) |
aka T001-12sL5 120S,148I Pic |
aka E+0-1QxL4 124S,144I Pic |
S138L3 150S,118I |
S01AL3 154S,114I |
134.5 |
(56.06) |
E+2+4OL4 126S,143I |
S3E+7L3 152S,117I |
135 |
S011xL5 Pic or D-1+2t4L5 aka S000-10sL5 or DE-1+2t4L5 or E+1+1+22sL4 aka E-1+1L5 Pic 118S,152I |
0.788 (56.24) |
S5E+4xL3 146S,124I |
136 |
aka T001-8sL5 Pic S000-2vL5 Pic aka E-1+1+2sL5 120S,152I |
0.800 (56.62) |
126S,146I |
130S,142I |
132S,140I |
134S,138I |
S044xL3 or E+2+4L3 136S,136I |
E+0+8L3 144S,128I |
S058xL2 166S,106I S059L2 182S,90I |
137 |
S000-6sL5 Pic or DE-1+2h3L5 120S,154I |
0.812 (56.99) |
122S,152I Pic |
137.5 |
(57.18) |
E+4+6OL3 146S,129I |
138 |
aka T001-4sL5 Pic S000-4sL5 Pic 120S,156I |
0.802 (57.37) |
122S,154I Pic |
S4E-1L4 128S,148I |
130S,146I |
139 |
S000-2sL5 Pic 120S,158I |
0.771 (57.74) |
124S,154I Pics |
126S,152I Pic |
130S,148I Pic |
E+3+3L3 138S,140I |
S027xL3 142S,136I |
139.5 |
S1E-1L5 120S,159I |
0.766 (57.93) |
140 |
aka T001L5 Pic or D-1+2t5L5 aka S000L5 Pic or DE-1+2t5L5 120S,160I |
0.762 (58.12) |
F003XL4 or 128S,152I |
132S,148I |
E+0+0o+8h2-7sL6 Pic 134S,146I |
S227xL3 138S,142I |
S146xL3 142S,138I S117L3 144S,136I |
S12AxL3 150S,130I S8E+2xL3 152S,128I |
S067xL2 170S,110I S04AxL2 172S,108I |
141 |
S000+2sL5 Pic or or E-1-1-6vL6 122S,160I |
0.774 (58.49) |
128S,154I Pic |
138S,144I |
142 |
or E-1-1-4vL6 122S,162I |
0.765 (58.86) |
T001+4sL5 Pic or S000+4sL5 124S,160I Pic |
128S,156I Pic |
E+1+6L3 144S,140I |
S036L3 150S,134I |
S068L2 188S,96I |
142.5 |
(59.05) |
S7E+3L3 160S,125I |
143 |
or E-1-1-4vL6 122S,164I |
0.756 (59.24) |
124S,162I Pic |
126S,160I Pic |
S155xL3 144S,142I |
SAE-1L3 156S,130I |
144 |
or E-1-1-2vL6 122S,166I |
0.788 (59.61) |
126S,162I Pics |
128S,160I Pics |
130S,158I Pic |
E+2+4xL3 136S,152I |
S228L3 152S,136I |
S028L3 156S,132I |
S4E+6L3 160S,128I S077L2 190S,98I |
144.5 |
(59.80) |
S5E+1L4 140S,149I |
145 |
or E-1-1-2vL6 122S,168I |
0.739 (59.99) |
126S,164I Pics |
S007L3 or 146S,144I |
S01AxL3 154S,136I |
S9E+2L3 166S,124I |
146 |
aka DE-1+2t6L5 aka E-1-1L6 122S,170I Pic |
0.730 Ridge12 (60.36) |
126S,166I Pic |
128S,164I Pic |
132S,160I Pic |
134S,158I |
140S,152I |
S138xL3 150S,142I |
S147L3 158S,134I |
146.5 |
130S,163I |
0.807 (60.55) |
147 |
124S,170I |
0.742 (60.74) |
128S,166I Pics |
130S,164I Pic |
148 |
126S,170I |
0.753 (61.11) |
or DT1-2vL5 128S,172I Pics |
132S,164I Pics |
E+3+3xL3 138S,158I |
140S,156I E+1+6xL3 144S,152I |
S1E+6L4 146S,150I S045L3 154S,142I |
E+0+9L3 156S,140I S4E+6xL3 160S,136I |
S139L3 or S6E+4L3 164S,132I |
148.5 |
(61.30) |
S5E+5L3 164S,133I |
149 |
126S,172I |
0.744 (61.49) |
128S,170I Pic |
130S,168I Pic |
S125xL4 or E+3+3x2L4 138S,160I |
142S,156I |
S117xL3 144S,154I |
S1E+6xL4 146S,152I |
150 |
DT1L5 Pic or 128S,172I |
0.756 (61.86) |
DT1L5 Pic 130S,170I |
132S,168I Pic |
142S,158I |
S059xL2 182S,118I |
151 |
128S,174I |
0.747 (62.24) |
130S,172I Pic |
132S,170I Pic |
134S,168I Pic |
S036xL3 150S,152I |
152 |
128S,176I |
0.739 (62.61) |
130S,174I Pic |
T001+4t3L5 or DT1+4sL5 or 132S,172I Pics |
134S,170I Pic |
140S,164I |
S4E+2L4 or 144S,160I |
146S,158I |
S156L3 or S12BxL3 162S,142I |
152.5 |
(62.80) |
S3E+3L4 144S,161I |
153 |
S000+2t5-4sL5 Pic 130S,176I |
0.750 (62.98) |
132S,174I Pics |
134S,172I Pic |
150S,156I |
154 |
S000+2t5-2sL5 Pic 130S,178I |
0.742 (63.36) |
132S,176I |
DT1+2t2+2sL5 or S003+4sL4 or 134S,174I Pics |
T001+4h2L5 Pic 136S,172I |
142S,166I E+2+5L3 152S,156I |
S028xL3 156S,152I |
S6E+4xL3 164S,144I S9E+2xL3 166S,142I |
S04BxL2 186S,128I |
155 |
S000+2t5L5 Pic 130S,180I |
0.734 (63.73) |
or S122+8sL5 or DT1+2t3-2sL5 134S,176I Pics |
S118L3 158S,152I |
156 |
130S,182I |
0.726 (64.11) |
132S,180I |
or DT1+2t3L5 or S122xL5 134S,178I Pics |
136S,176I Pic |
142S,170I |
S224L4 or 144S,168I |
146S,166I 148S,164I |
S228xL3 152S,160I S068xL2 188S,124I |
156.5 |
(64.30) |
E+0+AOL4 158S,155I |
157 |
or E-1-1+2t4+2sL6 Pic 132S,182I |
0.737 (64.48) |
or S122x+2sL5 136S,178I Pics |
S2E+1L5 136S,178I |
138S,176I |
142S,172I |
S045xL3 154S,160I |
E+1+7L3 158S,156I |
S01BxL3 166S,148I |
157.5 |
(64.67) |
S5E-1L4 144S,171I |
158 |
or S000+2h4aL5 132S,184I |
0.729 (64.86) |
134S,182I Pic |
E-1+2-2vL5 Pic 136S,180I |
142S,174I |
S147xL3 158S,158I |
S029L3 170S,146I |
S8E+3L3 176S,140I |
SAE+2L3 180S,136I S077xL2 190S,126I |
159 |
132S,186I |
0.722 (65.23) |
DT1+2t4-2sL5 or 136S,182I Pics |
or S122x+2t2L5 or S012-2t2L5 138S,180I Pics |
S229L3 or S037L3 166S,152I |
160 |
aka DS011-2sL6 or DS001-2sL6 132S,188I |
0.714 (65.61) |
or E-1+2L5 136S,184I Pics |
S000+4t4L5 Pic or H002XL5 or F001XL5 136S,184I |
144S,176I |
152S,168I |
S126L4 154S,166I |
E+3+4L3 156S,164I |
S008L3 160S,160I |
161 |
aka DS011L6 Pic or DS001L6 132S,190I |
0.707 (65.98) |
136S,186I Pic |
138S,184I Pics |
146S,176I |
S139xL3 164S,158I |
162 |
aka DS011+2sL6 or DS001+2sL6 134S,190I |
0.717 (66.36) |
136S,188I Pic |
or DT1+2h3L5 138S,186I Pic |
T001+4t4L5 Pic or E+0+1-16sL5 Pic or DT1+4t3L5 or S122x+2t3L5 140S,184I |
S000+8t3-4sL5 Pic 144S,180I |
148S,176I |
163 |
aka DS011+4sL6 or DS001+4sL6 136S,190I |
0.727 (66.73) |
or DT1+2t5-4sL5 138S,188I Pics |
S6E+1L4 156S,170I |
S148L3 174S,152I |
163.5 |
(66.92) |
S1E+7L4 160S,167I |
164 |
aka DS011+2t2L6 or DS001+2t2L6 136S,192I |
0.720 (67.10) |
or DT1+2t5-2sL5 138S,190I Pics |
E+0+1-12sL5 Pic 140S,188I |
S000+8t3L5 Pic aka E+0+0QxL4 or S224xL4 144S,184I |
146S,182I |
150S,178I |
E+2+5xL3 152S,166I E+1+7xL3 158S,170I |
S237L4 or S156xL3 162S,166I S05AxL2 198S,130I |
164.5 |
138S,191I |
0.734 (67.29) |
165 |
S012xL5 Pic or DT1+2t5L5 Pic 138S,192I |
0.730 (67.48) |
140S,190I |
154S,176I |
S2E+5L4 156S,174I |
S118xL3 158S,172I |
166 |
aka DS011+2t3-2sL6 or E-1-1+4t4L6 138S,194I Pic |
0.723 (67.85) |
140S,192I Pics |
150S,182I |
S7E+4L3 182S,150I |
167 |
aka DS011+2t3L6 or DS001+2t3L6 138S,196I |
0.716 (68.23) |
140S,194I Pics |
146S,188I |
S5E+6L3 182S,152I |
168 |
E+0+1-4sL5 Pic or S111L5 Pic or S001-14sL5 or D-2-4sL5 aka DS011+2h2L6 aka S111x-6sL5 or DS001+2h2L6 140S,196I |
0.725 (68.60) |
148S,188I |
S008xL3 160S,176I |
S046L3 172S,164I |
SAE+2xL3 180S,156I |
169 |
or S111+2sL5 Pic or or S2E-1L5 140S,198I |
0.718 (68.98) |
142S,196I |
146S,192I |
S126xL4 154S,184I |
158S,180I |
S029xL3 170S,178I |
S037xL3 166S,172I |
S6E+5L3 184S,154I |
170 |
E+0+1L5 Pic or D-2L5 or S111+4sL5 Pic or or D1-2sL6 140S,200I |
0.715 (69.35) |
144S,196I Pic |
150S,190I |
S119L3 172S,168I |
171 |
or DS001+4t4L5 aka S111xL5 Pic or D1L6 140S,202I |
0.705 (69.73) |
142S,200I Pic |
144S,198I Pic |
152S,190I |
S055L3 174S,168I |
172 |
or S001-2t2L5 Pic or S001x-2vL5 Pic or S111x+2sL5 Pic 142S,202I |
0.714 (70.10) |
E+0-1-20sL6 Pic 144S,200I |
S033xL4 or 150S,194I |
160S,184I |
E-1+7L4 162S,182I |
S229xL3 166S,178I E+2+6L3 168S,176I |
E+1+8L3 172S,172I S157L3 180S,164I |
S5E+6xL3 182S,162I S069xL2 206S,138I |
173 |
aka S001-4sL5 144S,202I Pics |
0.724 (70.47) |
S7E+4xL3 182S,164I |
173.5 |
(70.66) |
E+2+6OL4 158S,189I |
174 |
E+0-1-16sL6 Pic E+0-1-6vL6 Pic S111x+2t2L5 Pic 144S,204I |
0.717 (70.85) |
146S,202I Pics |
154S,194I Pic |
162S,186I |
175 |
aka S001L5 142S,208I Pic |
0.694 (71.22) |
S012x+2t4L5 Pic or HDC1xL5 146S,204I |
150S,200I |
162S,188I |
S009L3 174S,176I |
S166L3 182S,168I |
176 |
aka S001xL5 142S,210I Pic |
0.688 (71.60) |
E+0-1-4vL6 Pic E+0-1-12sL6 Pic 144S,212I |
150S,202I |
S004L4 or E+2+2L4 Pic 152S,200I |
154S,198I 158S,194I |
S144L4 or S237xL4 162S,190I |
168S,184I S148xL3 174S,178I |
S13AxL3 178S,174I S038L3 182S,170I |
176.5 |
142S,211I |
0.685 (71.79) |
177 |
S001x+2sL5 Pic 144S,210I |
0.697 (71.97) |
146S,208I Pic |
154S,200I Pic |
S6E-1L4 160S,194I |
177.5 |
(72.16) |
S1E+3L5 152S,203I |
178 |
E+0-1-2vL6 Pic or E+0-1-4vL6 144S,212I |
0.691 (72.35) |
146S,210I |
154S,194I |
162S,194I |
S4E+3L4 or 164S,192I |
S046xL3 172S,184I |
179 |
144S,214I |
0.685 (72.72) |
146S,212I Pic |
162S,196I |
S127L4 170S,188I |
S1E+8L4 174S,184I |
180 |
144S,216I Pic |
0.679 (73.10) |
148S,212I Pic |
S004xL4 or aka E+2+2xL4 Pic 152S,208I |
154S,206I Pic |
160S,200I |
162S,198I |
170S,190I E+1+8xL3 172S,188I |
S1E+8xL4 174S,186I S149L3 190S,170I |
180.5 |
(73.28) |
E+6+6OL3 186S,175I |
181 |
144S,218I |
0.673 (73.47) |
148S,214I Pics |
154S,208I Pic |
160S,202I |
S119xL3 172S,190I |
S055xL3 174S,188I |
181.5 |
(73.66) |
S7E+1L4 172S,191I |
182 |
144S,220I Pic |
0.667 (73.85) |
148S,216I Pic |
150S,214I |
154S,210I |
183 |
146S,220I |
0.675 (74.22) |
aka D-1-40sL6 or DE-1-40sL6 150S,216I Pics |
154S,212I |
S238L4 178S,188I |
184 |
148S,220I Pic |
0.684 (74.59) |
150S,218I |
154S,214I |
E+2+6xL3 168S,200I |
170S,198I S009xL3 174S,204I |
S2E+6L4 172S,196I E+4+4L3 176S,192I |
S02AxL3 184S,184I S8E+4L3 200S,168I |
185 |
148S,222I |
0.678 (74.97) |
aka D-1-36sL6 150S,220I Pics |
154S,216I Pic |
162S,208I |
166S,204I |
S157xL3 180S,190I |
185.5 |
(75.16) |
DC1L6 150S,221I |
S3E+1L5 156S,215I |
186 |
S001x+2t4L5 Pic 150S,222I |
0.687 (75.34) |
152S,220I Pic |
aka E-1-1QxL5 or S123xL5 154S,218I Pics |
156S,216I Pics |
S2E+6xL4 172S,200I |
187 |
or D-1-32sL6 Pic or S001x+2t4+2sL5 Pic or S001+2h3L5 or DE-1-32sL6 152S,222I |
0.696 (75.72) |
154S,220I Pic |
156S,218I |
S038xL3 182S,192I |
E+1+9L3 186S,188I |
187.5 |
(75.90) |
E+0+6OL5 162S,213I |
E+4+4OL4 166S,209I |
188 |
150S,226I |
0.672 (76.09) |
E+0-1+4t2L6 Pic or D-1-30sL6 or S001x+2h3L5 or DE-1-30sL6 152S,224I |
154S,222I Pic |
S2E+2xL5 Pic or FDC1L5 Pic or S222+4sL5 156S,220I |
164S,212I |
168S,208I S017L4 174S,202I |
E-1+8L4 176S,200I S22AxL3 180S,196I |
S166xL3 182S,194I S047L3 190S,186I |
188.5 |
146S,231I Pic |
0.644 Ridge13 (76.28) |
189 |
or DE-1-28sL6 152S,226I |
0.684 (76.47) |
154S,224I Pic |
156S,222I Pics |
162S,216I |
S127xL4 170S,208I |
190 |
or DE-1-26sL6 152S,228I |
0.678 (76.84) |
E+0-1+4t2+4sL6 Pic or S222+8sL5 Pic or DT2L5 or H003XL5 156S,224I |
166S,214I |
E+2+7L3 184S,196I |
S00AL3 188S,192I |
191 |
or S001x+2t5L5 or DE-1-24sL6 Pic 152S,230I |
0.672 (77.22) |
or FDC1xL5 or S222+10sL5 or S111x+4t4L5 156S,226I Pics |
158S,224I Pic |
192 |
152S,232I |
0.667 (77.59) |
or DE-1-22sL6 154S,230I |
or S222xL5 156S,228I Pics |
166S,218I |
170S,214I |
S158L3 198S,186I |
S8E+4xL3 200S,184I |
193 |
or S001+2h4L5 or DE-1-20sL6 154S,232I |
0.675 (77.96) |
156S,230I |
or S013+4sL5 Pic or S222x+2sL5 158S,228I |
162S,224I Pic |
170S,216I |
S039L3 198S,188I |
194 |
or S001x+2h4L5 or DE-1-18sL6 154S,234I |
0.669 (78.34) |
E+0-1+4t3L6 Pic 156S,232I |
S013+6sL5 Pic or E+2+3OL5 Pic or 158S,230I |
E+0-1+8t2L6 Pic 160S,228I |
164S,224I |
168S,220I |
174S,214I |
S149xL3 190S,198I S056L3 194S,194I |
195 |
or DE-1-16sL6 154S,236I |
0.692 (78.71) |
S001+4t4L5 Pic or F002XL5 or S013xL5 Pic 158S,232I |
162S,228I |
178S,212I |
196 |
or DE-1-14sL6 154S,236I |
0.686 (79.09) |
E+2+3OxL5 or S001x+4t4L5 Pic 158S,234I |
E+0-1+4h2L6 Pic or E+0+2-8sL5 or S013x+2sL5 or S022L5 Pic 160S,232I |
or S333L5 168S,224I |
170S,222I |
S017xL4 174S,218I |
S238xL4 178S,214I |
180S,212I E+1+9xL3 186S,206I |
196.5 |
(79.28) |
S7E-1L4 176S,217I |
197 |
or S001x+2t6L5 Pic or DE-1-12sL6 or E+0-1+2t5L6 154S,240I |
0.653 (79.46) |
158S,236I Pic |
or S022+2sL5 Pic 160S,234I |
S11AxL3 186S,208I |
197.5 |
(79.65) |
S3E+5L4 180S,215I |
198 |
or DE-1-10sL6 156S,240I |
0.661 (79.84) |
or S022+4sL5 160S,236I Pics |
S128L4 186S,210I |
S167L3 202S,194I |
198.5 |
S3E-1L5 160S,237I |
0.686 (80.02) |
199 |
or DE-1-8sL6 156S,242I |
0.656 (80.21) |
160S,238I Pics |
162S,236I |
164S,234I |
166S,232I |
S247L4 186S,212I |
S047xL3 190S,208I |
S02BxL3 198S,200I |
200 |
or DE-1-6sL6 156S,244I |
0.651 (80.59) |
E+0+2L5 or 160S,240I Pics |
162S,238I Pic |
S002-4t2-2vL5 Pic 164S,236I |
168S,232I |
S005L4 or 170S,230I |
176S,224I |
S8E+1L4 or S00AxL3 188S,212I |
201 |
or DE-1-4sL6 156S,246I |
0.646 (80.96) |
160S,242I |
162S,240I Pics |
S111x+6t4L5 Pic 164S,238I |
168S,234I |
202 |
or DE-1-2sL6 156S,248I |
0.641 (81.34) |
160S,244I Pic |
162S,242I |
or S002-4vL5 164S,240I |
170S,234I |
180S,224I |
E+3+6L3 192S,212I |
S239L4 194S,210I |
203 |
aka D-2+2h5aL5 aka D-1L6 or E-1-1-2t7L7 aka DE-1L6 156S,250I Pics |
0.636 (81.71) |
or S112L5 162S,244I Pics |
S022x+2t2L5 or 164S,242I |
170S,236I |
182S,224I |
S2E+7L4 188S,218I |
203.5 |
(81.90) |
S5E+3L4 184S,223I |
204 |
or DE-1+2sL6 158S,250I |
0.643 (82.08) |
162S,246I Pic |
E+0-1+4t4+4sL6 Pic or S002-4t2L5 Pic or S002x-4vL5 164S,244I |
172S,236I |
180S,228I |
S4E+4L4 or E+2+7xL3 184S,224I |
E-1+9L4 190S,218I |
S22BxL3 194S,214I |
205 |
or DE-1+4sL6 160S,250I |
0.651 (82.46) |
or S001+4t5L5 aka E+1+1L5 162S,248I Pics |
164S,246I Pic |
166S,244I Pic |
168S,242I Pic |
170S,240I |
178S,232I |
S056xL3 194S,216I S039xL3 198S,212I |
206 |
or DE-1+2t2L6 160S,252I |
0.646 (82.83) |
S112+6sL5 Pic or S001x+4t5L5 aka E+1+1xL5 162S,250I |
or S002-2vL5 164S,248I Pic |
166S,244I |
174S,238I |
S158xL3 198S,214I |
207 |
S112xL5 Pic or E+0+3OL6 Pic or D-1+2t2+2sL6 162S,252I |
0.654 (83.21) |
or S002-6sL5 164S,250I Pics |
S018L4 or S256L4 190S,224I |
208 |
162S,254I |
0.649 (83.58) |
or S002-4sL5 or S002x-2t2L5 164S,252I Pics |
S011-4vL6 or 166S,250I |
178S,238I |
S026L4 or 184S,232I |
188S,228I |
E+4+5L3 196S,220I E+2+8L3 200S,216I |
S048L3 208S,208I |
209 |
or DE-1+2t3L6 162S,256I |
0.644 (83.96) |
164S,254I Pic |
S011-2vL6 Pic or S112+2t2+6sL5 Pic or S002-2t2+4sL5 Pic or E+0+3O+4sL6 166S,252I |
174S,244I |
S128xL4 186S,232I |
210 |
E+0-1+4t5-4sL6 Pic or S011-12sL6 or S002L5 Pic or D-1+2t3+2sL6 164S,256I |
0.652 (84.33) |
or S011-4t2L6 166S,254I Pics |
S022x+2t4L5 or S000-6v-4sL6 Pic 168S,252I |
E-1+4L5 or 172S,248I |
210.5 |
S1E+1L6 164S,257I |
0.649 (84.52) |
211 |
S002+2sL5 Pic or D-1+2t4-4sL6 164S,258I |
0.647 (84.71) |
or S002+2sL5 166S,256I Pic |
212 |
E+0-1+4t5L6 Pic or S002xL5 Pic or D-1+2t4-2sL6 164S,260I |
0.642 (85.08) |
166S,258I Pic |
168S,256I Pic |
176S,248I |
S247xL4 186S,238I |
S167xL3 190S,222I |
S14AxL3 206S,218I |
212.5 |
(85.27) |
E+2+8OL4 190S,235I |
213 |
or DE-1+2t4L6 164S,262I |
0.637 (85.45) |
166S,260I Pic |
or S112x+2t3L5 or S002+2t2L5 168S,258I Pics |
170S,256I Pic |
S145xL4 182S,244I |
214 |
S011-2t2+2sL6 Pic or D-1+2t4+2sL6 166S,262I |
0.644 (85.83) |
or S000-6v+4sL6 168S,260I Pics |
or S133L5 Pic or S4E+1L5 176S,252I |
180S,248I |
S02CxL3 212S,216I |
215 |
S011x-4sL6 Pic or S011-2sL6 Pic or E-1+1-2vL6 or D-1+2h3L6 or DE-1+2h3L6 166S,270I |
0.652 (86.20) |
or S002x+2t2L5 168S,262I Pics |
172S,258I |
S2E+3L5 176S,254I |
216 |
or S011L6 166S,266I Pic |
0.635 (86.58) |
or S000-4vL6 168S,264I Pics |
170S,262I Pic |
174S,258I |
184S,248I |
S018xL4 190S,242I |
S8E-1L4 192S,240I |
S239xL4 194S,238I S00BxL3 202S,220I |
217 |
D-1+2t5-2sL6 Pic or S011+2sL6 Pic 166S,268I Pic |
0.630 (86.95) |
S000-14sL6 Pic or S000-4v+2sL6 or S002+2t3+2sL5 Pic or or S112x+2t4L5 Pic 170S,264I |
S129L4 202S,232I |
S057L3 214S,220I |
218 |
S011xL6 or or D-1+2t5L6 aka E-1+1L6 or DE-1+2t5L6 166S,270I Pics |
0.626 (87.28) |
aka T001-12sL6 or S000-4v+4sL6 168S,268I Pics |
170S,266I Pic |
186S,250I |
S137L4 196S,240I |
S7E+2L4 198S,238I |
218.5 |
(87.45) |
S9E+1L4 204S,233I |
219 |
or S011x+2sL6 168S,270I Pics |
0.633 (87.62) |
170S,268I Pic |
S002+2t4-2sL5 Pic 172S,266I |
178S,260I Pic |
186S,252I |
220 |
aka T001-8sL6 or S000-2vL6 168S,272I Pics |
0.629 (87.95) |
170S,270I Pic |
172S,268I Pic |
S022x+4t4L5 or 176S,264I |
178S,262I |
186S,254I S035L4 or S256xL4 190S,250I |
E+0+7L4 192S,248I S3E+6L4 198S,242I |
S048xL3 208S,232I S066L3 216S,224I |
221 |
S011x+2t2L6 Pic 170S,272I |
0.636 (88.29) |
172S,270I Pic |
176S,266I Pic |
178S,264I Pic |
188S,254I |
S168L3 222S,220I |
222 |
aka T001-4sL6 or S000-2v+4sL6 168S,276I Pics |
0.620 (88.62) |
or S011+2t3L6 172S,272I Pics |
aka E+0+1QxL5 176S,268I Pic |
178S,266I Pic |
S248L4 or S2E+8L4 204S,240I |
223 |
or S000-2sL6 168S,278I Pics |
0.615 (88.96) |
172S,274I Pics |
176S,270I |
178S,268I |
194S,252I |
S3E+6xL4 198S,248I |
E+3+7L3 210S,236I |
S03AxL3 214S,232I |
223.5 |
S1E-1L6 168S,279I |
0.613 (89.12) |
E+2+4OL5 178S,269I |
224 |
aka T001L6 or S000L6 Pic 168S,280I |
0.611 (89.29) |
172S,276I Pic |
174S,274I Pic |
176S,272I Pic |
188S,260I |
192S,256I |
E+2+8xL3 200S,248I |
S2E+8xL4 204S,244I S177L3 224S,224I |
225 |
S000+2sL6 Pic or 170S,280I |
0.618 (89.62) |
or S002+2t5L5 174S,276I Pics |
178S,272I |
186S,264I |
S7E+2xL4 198S,252I |
226 |
170S,282I |
0.614 (89.96) |
or S000+4sL6 172S,280I Pic |
174S,278I Pics |
180S,272I Pic |
186S,266I |
S019L4 206S,246I |
226.5 |
(90.12) |
S1E+5L5 188S,265I |
227 |
170S,284I |
0.610 (90.29) |
172S,282I Pic |
or S002x+2t5L5 174S,280I Pics |
178S,276I |
S159xL3 216S,238I |
228 |
170S,286I 172S,284I |
0.605 (90.62) |
S000+2t2+2sL6 Pic or DT1-22sL6 or S011x+2t4L6 Pic 174S,282I |
176,280I Pic |
178S,278I Pic |
S002x+4t4-8sL5 Pic or S4E-1L5 180S,276I |
190S,266I |
196S,260I S227L4 198S,258I |
S049L3 226S,230I |
228.5 |
(90.78) |
E+0+8OL5 194S,263I |
229 |
170S,288I |
0.601 (90.95) |
174S,284I Pic |
186S,272I |
S137xL4 196S,262I |
S129xL4 202S,256I |
S6E+3L4 204S,254I |
S057xL3 214S,244I |
S02DxL3 226S,232I |
230 |
170S,288I |
0.597 (91.28) |
174S,286I Pic |
176S,284I Pic |
F003XL5 or S002x+4t4-4sL5 Pic or E+0+3L5 Pic 180S,280I |
182S,278I Pic |
184S,276I |
188S,272I 202S,258I |
S4E+5L4 204S,256I |
231 |
aka DE-1+2t7L6 aka E-1-1L7 170S,292I Pic |
0.593 Ridge14 (91.61) |
176S,286I Pic |
or DT1-6vL6 178S,284I Pic |
180S,282I |
190S,272I Pic |
S027L4 202S,260I |
232 |
172S,292I |
0.600 (91.94) |
176S,288I Pic |
aka E+0-1Qx+20sL5 or S002x+4t4L5 180S,284I Pics |
182S,282I Pic 184S,280I Pic |
or S044xL4 192S,272I |
S338L4 206S,258I |
E+4+6L3 or S066xL3 216S,248I |
233 |
174S,292I |
0.607 (92.27) |
176S,290I Pic |
178S,288I Pic |
180S,286I Pic |
S5E+4L4 206S,260I |
234 |
174S,294I |
0.603 (92.60) |
176S,292I Pic |
178S,290I Pic |
or DT1-4v+2sL6 180S,288I Pics |
188S,280I |
204S,264I |
S257L4 210S,258I |
235 |
176S,294I |
0.609 (92.93) |
or DT1-4vL6 178S,292I Pics |
182S,288I Pic |
or S113-2t2L5 184S,284I Pics |
190S,280I |
198S,272I |
E+5+5L3 218S,252I |
235.5 |
(93.09) |
S9E-1L4 208S,263I |
236 |
176S,296I |
0.605 (93.25) |
178S,294I |
or S000+4t3L6 180S,292I Pics |
S000+8t2L6 Pic 182S,290I |
or S000+8t2L6 184S,288I Pic |
or S346xL5 194S,278I |
S248xL4 204S,268I S019xL4 206S,266I |
S23AxL4 210S,262I S168xL3 222S,250I |
237 |
176S,298I |
0.601 (93.58) |
178S,296I |
180S,294I |
DT1-12s+2t2+2sL6 Pic or S002x+2t5+2t4L5 Pic 182S,292I |
186S,288I Pic |
SAE+1L4 220S,254I |
237.5 |
182S,293I |
0.635 (93.74) |
238 |
or DT1-2sL6 Pic 178S,298I |
0.608 (93.91) |
or S011x+4t4L6 Pic 182S,294I |
or T001+4h2L6 or E+1+2-4sL5 or S000+4h2L6 or S113L5 184S,292I Pics |
194S,282I |
S5E+4xL4 206S,270I |
S266L4 212S,264I |
239 |
DT1L6 Pic or S000+2t5L6 or 178S,300I |
0.604 (94.23) |
182S,294I Pic |
186S,292I Pic |
S011x+6h2L6 Pic 190S,288I |
S227xL4 198S,280I |
S177xL3 224S,254I |
240 |
178S,302I |
0.600 (94.56) |
180S,300I |
182S,298I Pic |
E+1+2L5 Pic 184S,296I |
192S,288I |
S027xL4 202S,278I |
E+0+8L4 208S,272I |
S8E+2L4 216S,264I S058L3 234S,246I |
240.5 |
(94.72) |
E+4+6OL4 206S,275I |
241 |
178S,304I |
0.596 (94.89) |
182S,300I |
or S113+6sL5 Pic 184S,298I |
190S,292I Pic |
196S,286I |
202S,280I |
S138L4 214S,268I |
S049xL3 226S,256I |
242 |
or S000+2h4aL6 180S,304I |
0.603 (95.21) |
182S,302I |
E+1+2xL5 Pic 184S,300I |
204S,280I |
242.5 |
(95.37) |
S5E+1L5 196S,289I |
S3E+7L4 216S,269I |
243 |
180S,306I |
0.599 (95.54) |
or DT1+2t2+2sL6 or S113xL5 Pic 184S,302I |
186S,300I |
190S,296I Pic |
244 |
180S,308I |
0.595 (95.86) |
or S000+4t4L6 184S,304I Pics |
or S122L6 Pic 186S,302I |
or S2E+4L5 196S,292I |
204S,284I |
E+3+8L3 228S,200I |
245 |
180S,310I |
0.591 (96.18) |
184S,306I Pic |
S1E+2-2sL6 Pic or S003L5 Pic or 186S,304I |
194S,296I |
204S,286I |
S01AL4 or S249L4 222S,268I |
246 |
180S,312I |
0.588 (96.51) |
S111-48s+2t3L6 Pic or S1E+2L6 Pic or DT1+2t3+2sL6 186S,306I |
E-1+2-16sL6 Pic or 188S,304I |
190S,302I |
or S125xL5 194S,298I |
196S,296I Pic |
S338xL4 206S,286I |
S067L3 238S,254I |
247 |
aka DS001-10sL7 182S,312I |
0.594 (96.83) |
DT1-4s+2t4L6 or 186S,308I Pics |
188S,306I |
or S012-2v-4t2L6 Pic 190S,304I |
210S,284I |
248 |
182S,314I aka DS001-8sL7 |
0.590 (97.15) |
DT1-2s+2t4L6 or 186S,310I Pics |
T001+4h3L6 Pic or E-1+2-12sL6 Pic or 188S,308I |
S011x+6t4L6 or 190S,306I |
S000+8t3L6 Pic 192S,304I |
S134L5 or 198S,298I |
S007L4 or 206S,290I |
S257xL4 210S,286I S8E+2xL4 216S,280I |
249 |
or S000+2h5aL6 aka DS001-6sL7 182S,316I |
0.586 (97.47) |
or DT1+2t4L6 or S122xL6 186S,312I Pics |
190S,308I |
198S,300I |
210S,288I |
S12AxL4 218S,280I |
250 |
aka DS001-4sL7 182S,318I |
0.583 (97.79) |
E-1+2-8sL6 Pic or DT1+2t4+2sL6 or E-1+2-2v-4sL6 Pic 188S,312I |
S012-2vL6 Pic 190S,310I |
196S,304I |
204S,296I |
251 |
aka DS011-2sL7 aka DS001-2sL7 182S,320I |
0.579 (98.12) |
S2E+1L6 188S,314I |
DT1+2t4-2s+2t2L6 Pic or DT1+4t3L6 Pic or S012-4t2L6 190S,312I |
192S,310I |
204S,298I |
206S,296I |
252 |
aka DS011L7 or S000+2t7L6 aka DS001L7 182S,322I |
0.576 (98.44) |
188S,316I Pic |
190S,314I |
192S,312I 196S,308I |
S4E+2L5 or S000+8h2L6 Pic or aka E+0+0QL5 200S,304I |
206S,298I S266xL4 212S,292I |
214S,290I S228L4 216S,288I |
252.5 |
(98.60) |
S3E+3L5 200S,305I |
253 |
aka DS011+2sL7 or DS001+2sL7 184S,322I |
0.582 (98.76) |
188S,318I |
or S012-2vL6 190S,316I Pics |
192S,314I |
192S,314I |
198S,308I Pic |
S138xL4 214S,292I |
S058xL3 234S,272I |
254 |
aka DS011+2t2-2sL7 186S,322I |
0.588 (99.08) |
T001+4t5L6 Pic or E-1+2L6 Pic or H002XL6 or F001XL6 or or S000+4t5L6 188S,320I |
190S,318I Pic |
192S,314I |
S028L4 220S,288I |
254.5 |
(99.24) |
S7E+3L4 224S,285I |
255 |
aka DS011+2t2L7 or DS001+2t2L7 186S,324I |
0.584 (99.40) |
188S,322I |
190S,320I Pics |
192S,318I |
194S,316I |
198S,312I |
206S,304I 214S,296I |
SAE-1L4 224S,286I |
256 |
aka DS011+2t3-4sL7 188S,324I |
0.590 (99.71) |
S012-2t2+4sL6 Pic 190S,322I |
or E+0+1-20sL6 Pic 190S,322I |
196S,316I 198S,314I |
S4E+2xL5 Pic or S224L5 200S,312I |
204S,308I Pic |
210S,302I |
S01AxL4 222S,290I S4E+6L4 or S339L4 224S,288I |
257 |
aka DS011+2t3-2sL7 188S,326I |
0.587 (100.0) |
S012L6 Pic or 190S,324I |
192S,322I |
194S,320I |
196S,318I |
198S,316I Pic |
S147L4 222S,292I |
257.5 |
(100.2) |
S5E-1L5 200S,315I |
258 |
aka DS011+2t3L7 or DS001+2t3L7 188S,328I |
0.583 (100.4) |
S012+2sL6 Pic or 190S,326I |
or E+0+1-16sL6 Pic 192S,324I |
S011+8t4L6 or 198S,318I |
210S,306I |
259 |
S012+4sL6 Pic or or DS011+2h2L7 or DS001+2h2L7 190S,328I |
0.589 (100.7) |
192S,322I |
194S,324I |
S222-66sL6 or 200S,318I |
206S,312I |
S067xL3 238S,280I |
259.5 |
190S,329I |
0.588 (100.8) |
260 |
S001-24sL6 Pic or S012xL6 Pic or aka DS011+2t4-4sL7 190S,330I |
0.586 (101.0) |
or T001+4h4aL6 or E+0+1-12sL6 Pic 192S,324I |
198S,322I |
200S,320I Pic |
208S,312I |
212S,308I |
S249xL4 222S,298I |
E+0+9L4 or S4E+6xL4 224S,296I |
261 |
aka DS011+2t4-2sL7 190S,332I |
0.582 (101.3) |
or S111-2t2L6 192S,330I Pics |
200S,322I |
S258L4 230S,292I |
262 |
aka DS011+2t4L7 or DS001+2t4L7 190S,334I |
0.579 (101.6) |
E+0+1-8sL6 Pic or or S111-2t2+2sL6 Pic 192S,332I |
or S233L6 Pic 202S,322I |
218S,306I |
228S,296I |
S9E+2L4 234S,290I |
S04AxL3 244S,280I |
262.5 |
(101.8) |
S5E+5L4 228S,297I |
263 |
S001-18sL6 Pic or or S111-2t2+4sL6 Pic or S111-2sL6 Pic 192S,334I |
0.585 (101.9) |
200S,326I |
202S,324I |
S059L3 254S,272I |
264 |
E+0+1-4sL6 Pic or S001-16sL6 Pic or or DS011+2h3L7 or DS001+2h3L7 or S111L6 Pic 192S,336I |
0.581 (102.3) |
S000+8t4L6 Pic aka E+0+0QxL5 or S224xL5 200S,328I |
202S,326I |
204S,324I |
214S,314I |
S228xL4 216S,312I |
S028xL4 220S,308I |
S139L4 232S,296I |
265 |
S001-14sL6 Pic or S111+2sL6 Pic or or S2E-1L6 192S,338I |
0.578 (102.6) |
S222-54sL6 Pic 200S,330I |
or S233+6sL6 202S,328I |
226S,304I |
266 |
aka E+0+1L6 Pic aka T001+4t6L6 or S001-12sL6 Pic or S111+4sL6 or aka DS011+2t5-2sL7 or D1-2sL7 192S,340I |
0.575 (102.9) |
202S,330I Pic |
212S,320I |
214S,318I |
222S,310I |
267 |
S111xL6 Pic or aka DS011+2t5L7 or DS001+2t5L7 or D1L7 192S,342I |
0.571 (103.2) |
194S,340I Pic |
202S,332I Pic |
214S,320I |
268 |
or S001-2vL6 Pic or D1+2sL7 194S,342I |
0.577 (103.5) |
196S,340I Pic |
or S233+12sL6 202S,334I |
216S,320I |
222S,314I |
228S,308I |
269 |
or S001x-2vL6 Pic 194S,344I |
0.574 (103.8) |
S001+2t2-12sL6 Pic 196S,342I |
or S233+14sL6 202S,336I |
206S,332I |
210S,328I |
S147xL4 222S,316I |
S267L4 234S,304I |
269.5 |
(104.0) |
E+0+AOL5 226S,313I |
270 |
aka S001-4sL6 Pic 194S,346I |
0.571 (104.1) |
196S,344I Pic |
202S,338I Pic |
204S,336I |
212S,328I |
220S,320I |
271 |
aka S001x-4sL6 Pic 194S,348I |
0.567 (104.4) |
202S,340I Pic |
S6E+1L5 216S,326I |
S339xL4 224S,318I |
S9E+2xL4 234S,308I |
272 |
aka S001L6 Pic 194S,350I |
0.564 (104.8) |
196S,348I Pic |
214S,330I |
224S,320I |
S068L3 260S,284I |
273 |
aka S001xL6 Pic 194S,352I |
0.561 (105.1) |
S001-12s+2h2L6 Pic 200S,346I |
S114L5 Pic or S233x+2t2L6 206S,340I |
S2E+5L5 216S,330I |
273.5 |
194S,353I |
0.560 (105.2) |
274 |
E+0-1-4vL7 Pic or S001x+2sL6 196S,352I |
0.567 (105.4) |
200S,348I |
230S,318I |
275 |
or S001x+4sL6 198S,352I Pics |
0.572 (105.7) |
or HDC1xL6 200S,350I |
E+1+3L5 Pic or S033xL5 206S,344I |
222S,328I |
S077L3 262S,288I |
275.5 |
(105.9) |
S1E+7L5 224S,327I |
276 |
196S,356I Pic |
0.560 (106.0) |
198S,354I |
200S,352I 208S,344I Pics |
214S,338I |
218S,334I |
S455L6 or 222S,330I |
S01BxL4 238S,314I |
S258xL4 230S,322I S229L4 234S,318I |
277 |
200S,354I Pic |
0.575 (106.3) |
204S,350I |
212S,342I Pic |
S237L5 or 226S,328I |
S139xL4 232S,322I |
S029L4 238S,316I |
S059xL3 254S,300I |
278 |
196S,360I Pic |
0.554 (106.6) |
206S,350I Pic |
218S,338I |
279 |
200S,358I Pic |
0.568 (106.9) |
204S,354I Pic |
206S,352I Pic |
or E-1-1+8h3L7 210S,348I Pics |
280 |
196S,364I Pic |
0.548 (107.2) |
202S,358I |
E+2+2L5 Pic or S004L5 208S,352I |
224S,336I |
S8E+3L4 244S,316I |
281 |
198S,364I |
0.554 (107.6) |
202S,360I Pic |
S348L5 234S,328I |
281.5 |
(107.7) |
S1E+3L6 208S,355I |
282 |
200S,364I Pic |
0.559 (107.9) |
202S,362I |
220S,344I |
282.5 |
(108.0) |
E+2+6OL5 218S,347I |
283 |
200S,366I |
0.556 (108.2) |
202S,364I Pic |
204S,362I Pic |
214S,352I |
284 |
E+0-1+8sL7 Pic 204S,364I |
0.570 (108.5) |
S000+8t5L6 Pic aka E+2+2xL5 or S004xL5 208S,360I |
220S,348I |
230S,338I |
S267xL4 234S,334I |
S148L4 242S,326I |
285 |
204S,366I Pic |
0.567 (108.8) |
206S,364I Pic |
S111x+6t3L6 Pic or S123L6 210S,360I |
218S,352I |
222S,348I |
226S,344I |
286 |
202S,370I |
0.556 (109.1) |
204S,368I Pic |
210S,362I |
222S,350I Pic |
236S,336I |
S068xL3 260S,312I |
287 |
204S,370I Pic |
0.561 (109.4) |
208S,366I Pic |
S6E-1L5 220S,354I |
222S,352I |
287.5 |
198S,377I |
0.535 Ridge15 (109.6) |
DC1L7 204S,371I |
288 |
204S,372I Pic |
0.558 (109.7) |
208S,368I Pic |
216S,360I Pic |
232S,344I |
S029xL4 238S,338I |
289 |
206S,372I Pic |
0.563 (110.0) |
208S,370I Pic |
222S,356I Pic |
226S,352I |
S229xL4 234S,344I |
S077xL3 262S,316I |
290 |
204S,376I |
0.552 (110.3) |
206S,374I |
208S,372I Pic |
210S,370I Pic |
220S,360I Pic |
S5E+2xL5 or S455xL6 222S,358I |
S4E+3L5 or 224S,356I |
238S,342I S119L4 240S,340I |
291 |
206S,376I |
0.557 (110.6) |
or E-1-1+8t5L7 aka E-1-1QxL6 or S123xL6 210S,372I Pics |
220S,362I Pic |
222S,360I Pic |
S7E+4L4 250S,332I |
291.5 |
S3E+1L6 212S,371I |
0.580 (110.8) |
292 |
206S,378I |
0.554 (110.9) |
208S,376I Pic |
210S,374I |
or S2E+2L6 or S222L6 212S,372I Pics |
232S,352I |
240S,344I |
S5E+6L4 250S,334I |
293 |
206S,380I |
0.552 (111.2) |
210S,376I Pic |
212S,374I Pic |
294 |
206S,382I Pic |
0.549 (111.5) |
E+0-1+4h2L7 Pic or S2E+2xL6 Pic or FDC1L6 212S,376I |
295 |
206S,384I |
0.546 (111.8) |
208S,382I |
212S,378I Pic |
S6E+5L4 252S,338I |
296 |
or D-1-24sL7 or DE-1-24sL7 210S,382I |
0.559 (112.2) |
or DT2L6 or H003XL6 212S,380I |
222S,370I |
S127L5 or S348xL5 234S,358I |
236S,356I |
240S,352I |
242S,350I |
S157L4 248S,344I |
297 |
or D-1-22sL7 or DE-1-22sL7 210S,384I |
0.556 (112.5) |
or S011-60sL7 or S111x+4t5L6 212S,382I |
234S,360I |
S148xL4 242S,352I |
S5E+6xL4 250S,344I |
298 |
or DE-1-20sL7 210S,386I |
0.553 (112.8) |
S222xL6 Pic 212S,384I |
214S,382I |
226S,370I |
S7E+4xL4 250S,346I |
298.5 |
(112.9) |
E+0+6OL6 222S,375I |
299 |
or DE-1-18sL7 210S,388I |
0.551 (112.5) |
214S,384I |
299.5 |
(113.2) |
S7E+1L5 236S,363I |
300 |
or DE-1-16sL7 210S,390I |
0.548 (113.4) |
212S,388I Pic |
222S,378I Pic |
224S,376I 232S,368I |
S055xL4 or 238S,362I |
240S,360I 242S,358I |
S166L4 250S,350I |
S268L4 256S,344I |
300.5 |
(113.5) |
E+4+4OL6 226S,375I |
301 |
208S,394I |
0.537 (113.7) |
or DE-1-14sL7 210S,392I |
214S,388I Pic |
234S,368I |
S119xL4 240S,362I |
S1E+8xL5 or S366L5 242S,360I |
S038L4 or S13AxL4 250S,352I |
S05AxL3 274S,328I |
302 |
or DE-1-12sL7 210S,394I |
0.542 (114.0) |
or S001+4t5L6 or S013xL6 Pic 214S,390I |
216S,388I |
236S,368I |
303 |
or DE-1-10sL7 210S,396I |
0.540 (114.3) |
S011-48sL7 or S001x+4t5L6 or E+2+3OxL6 Pic 214S,392I |
222S,384I Pic |
or S234L6 226S,380I |
304 |
or DE-1-8sL7 210S,398I |
0.537 (114.6) |
E+0-1+4h3L7 Pic or S022L6 216S,392I |
232S,376I |
236S,372I |
240S,368I |
S277L4 258S,350I |
305 |
or DE-1-6sL7 210S,400I |
0.534 (114.9) |
216S,394I Pic |
222S,388I Pic |
226S,384I Pic |
S447L5 or 242S,368I |
306 |
or DE-1-4sL7 210S,402I |
0.532 (115.2) |
216S,396I Pic |
224S,388I |
234S,378I |
246S,366I |
306.5 |
S3E-1L6 216S,397I |
0.553 (115.3) |
307 |
or DE-1-2sL7 210S,404I |
0.529 (115.5) |
216S,398I Pic |
238S,376I |
307.5 |
(115.6) |
E+6+6OL4 254S,361I |
308 |
aka D-1L7 Pic or E-1-1-2t8L8 aka DE-1L7 210S,406I |
0.526 (115.8) |
E+0-1+4t5-4sL7 Pic or E+0+2L6 Pic or S022xL6 216S,400I |
228S,388I |
230S,386I |
309 |
or DE-1+2sL7 212S,406I |
0.531 (116.1) |
216S,402I Pic |
234S,384I |
S157xL4 248S,370I |
310 |
214S,406I |
0.536 (116.4) |
216S,404I Pic |
E+1+4L5 or S333L6 Pic 228S,392I |
244S,376I |
311 |
or DE-1+2t2L7 214S,408I |
0.534 (116.7) |
240S,382I |
S149L4 262S,360I |
312 |
216S,408I |
0.538 (117.0) |
218S,406I Pic |
220S,404I Pics |
222S,402I |
226S,398I |
S038xL4 250S,374I |
S02AxL4 256S,368I |
313 |
216S,410I |
0.536 (117.3) |
234S,392I |
238S,388I |
S166xL4 250S,376I |
S069xL3 282S,344I |
314 |
or DE-1+2t3L7 216S,412I |
0.533 (117.6) |
aka E+1+1L6 218S,410I Pics |
220S,408I Pic |
228S,400I |
S22AxL4 252S,376I |
315 |
aka E+1+1xL6 Pic or D-1+2t3+2sL7 or D-1+2h2L7 or DE-1+2h2L7 218S,412I |
0.539 (117.9) |
228S,402I |
S005L5 or 230S,400I |
234S,396I |
238S,392I |
316 |
S112xL6 Pic or E+0+3OL7 or D-1+2t4-4sL7 218S,414I |
0.536 (118.2) |
E+0-1+4t6-12sL7 Pic 220S,412I |
S136L5 or 242S,390I |
252S,380I |
S268xL4 256S,376I |
E+1+9L4 258S,374I |
316.5 |
(118.3) |
S7E-1L5 240S,393I |
317 |
218S,416I |
0.533 (118.5) |
230S,404I Pic |
246S,388I |
258S,376I |
318 |
or DE-1+2t4L7 218S,418I |
0.531 (118.8) |
E+0-1+4t6-8sL7 Pic 220S,416I |
230S,406I |
244S,392I |
319 |
220S,418I |
0.535 (119.0) |
228S,410I Pic |
246S,392I |
319.5 |
(119.2) |
S3E+5L5 244S,395I |
320 |
or S002L6 or D-1+2h3L7 or DE-1+2h3L7 220S,420I Pics |
0.533 (119.3) |
228S,412I |
230S,410I |
232S,408I |
240S,400I Pics |
242S,398I |
S277xL4 258S,382I |
S00AL4 260S,380I |
320.5 |
S1E+1L7 220S,421I |
0.531 (119.5) |
321 |
220S,422I |
0.530 (119.0) |
322 |
E+0-1+4t6L7 Pic or H001xL7 or S002xL6 Pic or D-1+2t5-2sL7 220S,426I |
0.525 (119.9) |
323 |
or DE-1+2t5L7 220S,426I |
0.525 (119.0) |
324 |
222S,426I |
0.530 (120.5) |
224S,424I Pic |
244S,404I |
248S,400I |
325 |
222S,428I |
0.528 (120.8) |
238S,412I |
254S,396I |
E+1+9xL4 258S,392I |
S056L4 or S149xL4 262S,388I |
326 |
or D-1+2h4aL7 or DE-1+2h4aL7 222S,430I |
0.525 (121.1) |
224S,428I Pic |
E-1+4L6 or 232S,420I |
234S,418I |
242S,410I |
244S,408I |
246S,406I |
254S,398I S11AxL4 258S,394I |
327 |
S011L7 Pic or D-1+2t6-4sL7 222S,432I |
0.523 (121.4) |
S158L4 270S,384I |
327.5 |
(121.6) |
S5E+3L5 248S,407I |
328 |
or D-1+2t6-2sL7 222S,434I |
0.520 (121.7) |
224S,432I Pic |
236S,420I Pic |
248S,408I |
S8E+1L5 256S,400I |
258S,398I |
S039L4 270S,386I |
329 |
S011xL7 Pic or E+1+1+30sL6 aka E-1+1L7 or D-1+2t6L7 or DE-1+2t6L7 222S,436I |
0.518 (122.0) |
242S,416I |
330 |
E+0-1+4t7-12sL7 Pic aka D-1+2t6+2sL7 or S011x+2sL7 or E-1+1+2sL7 224S,436I |
0.523 (122.3) |
252S,408I |
S00AxL4 260S,400I |
S358L5 262S,398I |
331 |
aka D-1+2t7-10sL7 224S,438I |
0.520 (122.6) |
S2E+7L5 256S,406I |
332 |
E+0-1+4t7-8sL7 Pic or S000-2vL7 Pic or D-1+2t7-8sL7 224S,440I |
0.518 (122.9) |
E+0-1QL6 Pic or S133L6 or S4E+1L6 236S,428I |
240S,424I Pic |
246S,418I |
S026L5 or 248S,416I |
260S,404I |
333 |
aka D-1+2t7-6sL7 224S,442I |
0.516 (123.2) |
234S,432I |
S2E+3L6 236S,430I |
334 |
E+0-1+4t7-4sL7 Pic or S000-4sL7 aka D-1+2t7-4sL7 224S,444I |
0.513 (123.5) |
335 |
aka D-1+2t7-2sL7 224S,446I |
0.511 (123.7) |
E-1+9L5 262S,408I |
S239L5 266S,404I |
S167L4 274S,396I |
335.5 |
S1E-1L7 224S,437I |
0.521 (123.9) |
336 |
aka T001L7 or S000L7 aka D-1+2t7L7 or DE-1+2t7L7 224S,448I Pics |
0.509 (124.0) |
244S,428I Pic |
246S,426I |
254S,418I |
256S,416I |
S018L5 or 258S,414I |
262S,410I S02BxL4 274S,398I |
337 |
aka D-1+2t7+2sL7 Pic 226S,448I |
0.513 (124.3) |
338 |
aka DE-1+2t8-12sL7 226S,450I |
0.511 (124.6) |
or S000+4sL7 228S,448I |
236S,440I |
238S,438I Pic |
339 |
226S,452I |
0.509 (124.9) |
228S,450I |
236S,442I |
238S,440I |
248S,430I |
254S,424I |
S22BxL4 270S,408I |
340 |
aka DE-1+2t8-8sL7 226S,454I |
0.506 (125.2) |
232S,452I Pic |
aka E+0-1QxL6 236S,444I Pic |
238S,442I |
248S,432I |
or S448L5 264S,416I |
S367L5 266S,414I |
S039xL4 270S,410I |
341 |
aka DE-1+2t8-6sL7 226S,456I |
0.504 (125.5) |
230S,452I |
238S,444I Pic |
S158xL4 270S,412I |
341.5 |
(125.6) |
E+2+8OL5 258S,425I |
342 |
aka DE-1+2t8-4sL7 226S,458I |
0.502 (125.8) |
230S,454I |
232S,452I Pic |
342.5 |
(125.9) |
E+2+4OL6 238S,447I |
343 |
aka DE-1+2t8-2sL7 226S,460I |
0.500 (126.1) |
250S,436I |
344 |
aka DE-1+2t8L7 aka E-1-1L8 226S,462I |
0.498 Ridge16 (126.4) |
236S,452I Pic |
238S,450I |
250S,438I |
E+2+8L4 272S,416I |
345 |
228S,462I |
0.502 (126.6) |
232S,458I |
236S,454I |
250S,440I |
258S,432I |
346 |
230S,462I |
0.506 (126.9) |
232S,460I |
236S,456I |
S8E-1L5 260S,432I |
S358xL5 262S,430I |
347 |
230S,464I |
0.504 (127.2) |
234S,460I |
238S,456I |
254S,440I |
348 |
232S,464I |
0.508 (127.5) |
or S000+4t3L7 236S,460I |
S4E-1L6 240S,456I |
S048L4 280S,416I |
349 |
232S,466I |
0.506 (127.8) |
256S,442I |
258S,440I |
S239xL5 266S,432I |
S167xL4 274S,424I |
350 |
232S,468I |
0.504 (128.1) |
T001+4h2L7 or F003XL6 or E+0+3L6 Pic 240S,460I |
250S,450I |
or S244L6 252S,448I |
260S,440I |
264S,436I |
351 |
or E-1-1+2h2L8 234S,468I |
0.508 (128.4) |
240S,462I |
242S,460I |
250S,452I |
266S,436I |
352 |
234S,470I |
0.506 (128.7) |
240S,464I Pic |
256S,448I |
352.5 |
(128.8) |
S1E+5L6 252S,453I |
353 |
234S,472I |
0.504 (128.9) |
236S,470I |
246S,460I |
266S,440I |
S14AxL4 282S,424I |
354 |
234S,474I |
0.502 (129.2) |
240S,468I Pic |
250S,458I |
262S,446I |
S129L5 274S,434I |
355 |
236S,474I |
0.506 (129.5) |
254S,456I |
S00BxL4 282S,432I |
356 |
or E-1-1+2h3L8 236S,476I |
0.504 (129.8) |
238S,474I |
240S,472I Pic |
242S,470I |
252S,460I |
S448xL5 264S,448I |
S3E+6xL5 or S367xL5 266S,446I |
356.5 |
(129.9) |
S9E+1L5 276S,437I |
357 |
or DT1L7 236S,478I |
0.502 (130.1) |
358 |
236S,480I |
0.500 (130.4) |
244S,472I Pic |
254S,462I |
266S,450I |
270S,446I |
358.5 |
242S,475I |
0.518 (130.5) |
359 |
236S,482I |
0.498 (130.7) |
359.5 |
(130.8) |
E+0+8OL6 262S,457I |
360 |
238S,482I |
0.502 (130.9) |
or S113L6 244S,476I |
252S,468I |
or S044xL5 256S,464I |
264S,456I |
E+2+8xL4 272S,448I |
S248L5 or S2E+8L5 276S,444I S048xL4 280S,440I |
286S,434I S02CxL4 292S,428I |
361 |
238S,484I |
0.500 (131.2) |
264S,458I |
266S,456I |
362 |
238S,486I |
0.498 (131.5) |
or E+1+2L6 244S,480I Pic |
254S,470I |
S2E+8xL5 276S,448I |
363 |
238S,488I |
0.496 (131.8) |
364 |
238S,490I |
0.494 (132.1) |
242S,486I |
or E+1+2xL6 244S,484I |
272S,456I |
282S,446I |
288S,440I |
365 |
238S,492I |
0.492 (132.4) |
244S,486I |
258S,472I |
270S,460I |
S6E+3L5 272S,458I |
278S,452I |
366 |
aka DS001-12sL7 aka DS011-12sL7 240S,492I |
0.496 (132.6) |
244S,488I |
256S,476I Pic |
270S,462I |
S4E+5L5 272S,460I |
S129xL5 274S,458I |
367 |
aka DS001-10sL7 aka DS011-10sL7 240S,494I |
0.494 (132.9) |
246S,488I |
258S,476I |
262S,472I |
368 |
aka DS001-8sL7 aka DS011-8sL7 240S,496I |
0.492 (133.2) |
248S,488I |
254S,482I |
246S,490I |
256S,480I |
266S,470I |
S03AxL4 290S,446I |
369 |
aka DS001-6sL7 aka DS011-6sL7 240S,498I |
0.508 (133.5) |
246S,492I Pic |
370 |
aka DS001-4sL7 aka DS011-4sL7 240S,500I |
0.488 (133.8) |
246S,494I |
248S,492I |
272S,468I |
274S,466I |
S168L4 298S,442I |
371 |
aka DS001-2sL7 aka DS011-2sL7 240S,502I |
0.486 (134.1) |
246S,496I |
278S,464I |
372 |
aka DS001L7 or E-1-1+2t7L8 aka DS011L7 240S,504I |
0.484 (134.3) |
246S,498I |
248S,496I |
264S,480I Pic |
266S,478I |
274S,470I |
286S,458I |
372.5 |
(134.5) |
S5E+1L6 260S,485I |
373 |
or DS011+2sL7 242S,504I |
0.488 (134.6) |
264S,482I |
S159xL4 292S,454I |
374 |
or DS011+4sL7 244S,504I |
0.492 (134.9) |
248S,500I |
258S,490I |
260S,488I |
270S,478I |
276S,472I |
S177L4 300S,448I |
375 |
or DS011+2t2L7 244S,506I |
0.490 (135.2) |
S2E+1L7 248S,502I |
or S125xL6 258S,492I |
262S,488I Pic |
270S,480I |
274S,476I |
278S,472I |
282S,468I |
375.5 |
(135.3) |
S9E-1L5 280S,471I |
376 |
246S,506I |
0.494 (135.5) |
248S,504I |
260S,492I |
264S,488I Pic |
270S,482I |
S066xL4 or 288S,464I |
377 |
246S,508I |
0.492 (135.5) |
377.5 |
(135.9) |
E+4+6OL5 274S,481I |
378 |
or DS011+2t3L7 246S,510I |
0.490 (136.0) |
or E-1+2L7 or H002XL7 or F001XL7 248S,508I |
272S,484I |
379 |
or DS001+2h2L7 or DS011+2h2L7 248S,510I |
0.488 (136.3) |
262S,496I |
S23AxL5 286S,472I |
S368L5 290S,468I |
S049L4 302S,456I |
380 |
248S,512I |
0.492 (136.6) |
252S,508I |
260S,500I |
262S,498I |
264S,496I Pic |
S466xL6 or 272S,488I |
280S,480I |
284S,476I 290S,470I |
381 |
248S,514I |
0.490 (136.9) |
266S,496I |
272S,490I |
276S,486I |
382 |
or DS011+2t4L7 248S,516I |
0.489 (137.1) |
250S,514I |
252S,512I |
383 |
or S012+2sL7 250S,516I |
0.492 (137.4) |
384 |
or S012+4sL7 250S,518I |
0.490 (137.7) |
252S,516I |
262S,506I |
or E+0+0QL6 S000+8h3L7 Pic 264S,504I |
286S,482I |
288S,480I |
292S,476I |
S02DxL4 310S,458I |
384.5 |
250S,519I |
0.490 (137.8) |
S3E+3L6 264S,505I |
385 |
or S012xL7 250S,520I |
0.489 (138.0) |
S007L5 or 274S,496I |
278S,492I |
SAE+1L5 296S,474I |
S168xL4 298S,472I |
386 |
250S,522I |
0.487 (138.3) |
252S,520I |
262S,510I |
272S,500I |
278S,494I |
386.5 |
(138.4) |
S3E+7L5 288S,485I |
387 |
or DS011+2t5L7 250S,524I |
0.485 (138.5) |
262S,512I |
272S,502I |
388 |
252S,524I |
0.489 (138.8) |
262S,514I Pic |
S224L6 or 264S,512I |
S556xL6 or 274S,502I |
389 |
or S111-2sL7 252S,526I |
0.487 (139.1) |
274S,504I |
282S,496I |
S177xL4 300S,478I |
389.5 |
(139.2) |
S5E-1L6 264S,515I |
390 |
or S111L7 252S,528I |
0.485 (139.4) |
282S,498I |
391 |
S2E-1L7 or S111+2sL7 252S,530I |
0.483 (139.6) |
392 |
aka T001+4t7L7 or S111+4sL7 252S,532I |
0.481 (139.9) |
264S,520I |
274S,510I |
288S,496I |
S049xL4 302S,482I |
393 |
or S111xL7 or DS001+2t6L7 or DS011+2t6L7 252S,534I |
0.480 (140.2) |
394 |
or S111x+2sL7 254S,534I |
0.483 (140.5) |
aka T001+4t7+4sL7 256S,532I |
284S,504I |
S01AL5 or 298S,490I |
395 |
254S,536I |
0.482 (140.7) |
or S111x+4sL7 256S,534I |
266S,524I |
278S,512I |
286S,504I |
S058L4 310S,480I |
396 |
254S,538I |
0.480 (141.0) |
aka T001+4t8-24sL7 256S,536I |
E+0+0QxL6 Pic or S224xL6 264S,528I |
274S,518I |
282S,510I |
286S,506I |
288S,504I S368xL5 290S,502I |
S12AxL5 294S,498I 304S,488I |
397 |
254S,540I |
0.478 (141.3) |
278S,516I |
398 |
254S,542I |
0.476 (141.6) |
aka T001+4t8-20sL7 256S,540I |
266S,530I |
268S,528I |
276S,520I |
399 |
254S,544I |
0.475 (141.8) |
294S,504I |
or DS001+2t7L7 or DS011+2t7L7 254S,546I |
0.473 (142.1) |
aka T001+4t8-16sL7 256S,544I |
280S,520I |
292S,508I |
400.5 |
254S,547I |
0.472 (142.3) |
401 |
256S,546I |
0.477 (142.4) |
260S,542I |
266S,536I |
292S,510I |
402 |
aka T001+4t8-12sL7 256S,548I |
0.475 (142.6) |
402.5 |
(142.8) |
S7E+3L5 296S,509I |
403 |
258S,548I |
0.479 (142.9) |
266S,540I |
S067L4 314S,492I |
404 |
aka T001+4t8-8sL7 256S,552I |
0.471 (143.2) |
268S,540I |
270S,538I |
294S,514I |
296S,512I |
405 |
260S,550I |
0.480 (143.5) |
262S,548I |
282S,528I |
298S,512I |
SAE-1L5 300S,510I |
406 |
aka T001+4t8-4sL7 256S,556I |
0.468 (143.8) |
260S,552I |
262S,550I |
280S,532I |
300S,512I |
407 |
256S,558I |
0.467 (144.0) |
262S,552I |
290S,524I |
408 |
aka T001+4t8L7 256S,560I |
0.465 (144.3) |
270S,546I |
278S,538I |
282S,534I |
288S,528I |
296S,520I |
S058xL4 310S,506I |
409 |
258S,560I |
0.469 (144.6) |
262S,556I |
286S,532I |
298S,520I |
410 |
260S,560I |
0.472 (144.9) |
262S,558I |
or S033xL6 270S,550I |
280S,540I |
284S,536I |
292S,528I |
300S,520I |
411 |
260S,562I |
0.470 (145.1) |
264S,558I |
266S,556I |
298S,524I |
412 |
264S,560I |
0.479 (145.4) |
266S,558I |
300S,524I |
412.5 |
(145.5) |
S5E+5L5 300S,525I |
413 |
264S,562I |
0.477 (145.7) |
270S,556I |
282S,544I |
S6E+1L6 284S,542I |
294S,532I |
414 |
262S,566I |
0.470 (145.9) |
264S,564I |
270S,558I |
298S,530I |
S258L5 306S,522I |
415 |
264S,566I |
0.474 (146.2) |
S2E+5L6 284S,546I |
294S,536I |
416 |
266S,566I |
0.477 (146.5) |
268S,564I |
or S004L6 272S,560I |
292S,540I |
S458xL6 or 294S,538I |
S067xL4 314S,518I |
416.5 |
258S,575I |
0.456 Ridge17 (146.6) |
417 |
266S,568I |
0.476 (146.8) |
280S,554I |
282S,552I |
S9E+2L5 310S,524I |
417.5 |
S1E+3L7 272S,563I |
0.490 (146.9) |
418 |
264S,572I |
0.469 (147.0) |
268S,568I |
300S,536I |
S139L5 308S,528I |
419 |
266S,572I |
0.472 (147.3) |
420 |
266S,574I |
0.471 (147.6) |
268S,572I |
270S,570I |
or S004xL6 272S,568I |
296S,544I |
300S,540I |
420.5 |
DC1L8 266S,575I |
0.470 (147.7) |
E+0+AOL6 302S,539I |
421 |
266S,576I |
0.469 (147.8) |
286S,556I |
290S,552I |
300S,542I |
422 |
268S,576I |
0.472 (148.1) |
272S,572I |
274S,570I |
294S,550I |
423 |
266S,580I |
0.466 (148.4) |
268S,578I |
274S,572I |
S455L7 or 294S,552I |
423.5 |
(148.5) |
S1E+7L6 296S,551I |
424 |
268S,580I |
0.469 (148.6) |
272S,576I |
282S,566I |
S267L5 310S,538I |
S04AxL4 324S,524I |
425 |
268S,582I |
0.468 (148.9) |
or S037L5 302S,548I |
425.5 |
(149.0) |
E+2+6OL6 286S,565I |
426 |
268S,584I |
0.466 (149.2) |
272S,580I |
288S,564I |
or S156xL5 298S,554I |
S9E+2xL5 310S,542I |
427 |
268S,586I |
0.465 (149.5) |
274S,580I |
302S,552I |
428 |
268S,588I |
0.463 (149.7) |
272S,584I |
aka E-1-1QxL7 or S123xL7 274S,582I |
286S,570I |
296S,560I |
298S,558I |
429 |
268S,590I |
0.462 (150.0) |
S258xL5 306S,552I |
429.5 |
S3E+1L7 276S,583I |
0.473 (150.1) |
430 |
272S,588I |
0.470 (150.3) |
or S2E+2L7 or S222L7 276S,584I |
290S,570I |
292S,568I |
S059L4 334S,526I |
431 |
272S,590I |
0.468 (150.5) |
or S222+2sL7 276S,584I |
S6E-1L6 288S,574I |
290S,572I |
S139xL5 308S,554I |
S229L5 310S,552I |
432 |
274S,590I |
0.472 (150.8) |
or S2E+2xL7 or FDC1L7 or S222+4sL7 276S,588I |
280S,584I |
290S,574I |
433 |
274S,592I |
0.470 (151.1) |
or S222+6sL7 276S,588I |
434 |
274S,594I |
0.468 (151.3) |
or DT2L7 or H003XL7 or S222+8sL7 276S,592I |
288S,580I |
290S,578I |
298S,570I |
S029L5 314S,554I |
435 |
or S222+10sL7 or 276S,594I |
0.472 (151.6) |
288S,582I |
290S,580I |
302S,568I |
S01BxL5 318S,552I |
436 |
270S,602I |
0.456 (151.8) |
or S222xL7 276S,596I |
290S,582I |
S4E+3L6 or 292S,580I |
S348L6 310S,562I |
437 |
276S,598I |
0.469 (152.1) |
278S,596I |
294S,580I |
300S,574I |
438 |
or D-1-12sL8 or DE-1-12sL8 276S,600I |
0.467 (152.4) |
282S,594I |
298S,578I |
439 |
or DE-1-10sL8 276S,602I |
0.466 (152.7) |
S267xL5 310S,568I |
440 |
or DE-1-8sL8 276S,604I |
0.469 (152.9) |
278S,602I |
280S,600I |
E+2+6L5 304S,576I |
S046L5 308S,572I |
S8E+3L5 320S,560I |
441 |
or DE-1-6sL8 276S,606I |
0.467 (153.2) |
F002XL7 or 278S,604I |
290S,592I |
442 |
or DE-1-4sL8 276S,608I |
0.466 (153.5) |
278S,606I |
280S,608I |
S068L4 340S,544I |
443 |
or DE-1-2sL8 276S,610I |
(153.7) |
S148L5 318S,568I |
443.5 |
(153.9) |
E+0+6OL7 290S,597I |
444 |
272S,616I |
0.458 (154.0) |
or DE-1L8 276S,612I |
280S,608I |
302S,586I |
S246L6 304S,584I |
S229xL5 310S,578I |
S059xL4 334S,554I |
445 |
or DE-1+2sL8 278S,612I |
(154.3) |
290S,600I |
294S,596I |
S055L5 310S,580I |
S029L5 314S,576I |
446 |
or D-1+4sL8 or DE-1+4sL8 or S022+4sL7 280S,616I |
(154.5) |
292S,600I |
S077L4 342S,550I |
446.5 |
S3E-1L7 280S,613I |
0.464 (154.7) |
447 |
or DE-1+2t2L8 or S022+6sL7 280S,618I |
(154.5) |
448 |
or E+0+2L7 or S022xL7 280S,616I |
0.462 (155.0) |
S119L5 316S,580I |
449 |
(155.3) |
S127L6 306S,592I |
450 |
280S,620I |
(155.6) |
294S,606I |
S255L6 306S,594I |
S046xL5 308S,592I |
E+1+8L5 316S,584I |
451 |
(155.8) |
S348xL6 310S,592I |
452 |
282S,622I |
(156.1) |
292S,612I |
294S,610I |
E+2+6xL5 304S,600I |
453 |
282S,624I |
0.459 (156.4) |
453.5 |
(156.5) |
S7E+1L6 308S,599I |
454 |
282S,626I |
(156.6) |
306S,602I |
S357L6 316S,592I |
S7E+4L5 326S,582I |
455 |
aka E+1+1L7 282S,628I |
0.456 (156.9) |
E+3+5L5 or S055xL5 310S,600I |
S009L5 318S,592I |
S5E+6L5 326S,584I |
456 |
aka E+1+1xL7 282S,630I |
0.455 (157.2) |
296S,616I |
S246xL6 304S,608I |
S2E+6L6 308S,604I |
S148xL5 318S,594I |
S068xL4 340S,572I |
457 |
or E+0+3OL8 282S,632I |
0.453 (157.4) |
298S,616I |
458 |
(157.7) |
or E+1+4L6 296S,620I |
S2E+6xL6 308S,608I |
E+1+8xL5 316S,600I |
S157L5 or S468L6 324S,592I |
459 |
(157.9) |
294S,624I |
S127xL6 306S,612I |
S119xL5 316S,602I |
S1E+8L6 318S,600I |
S6E+5L5 328S,590I |
460 |
(158.2) |
E+4+4L5 312S,608I |
S366L6 or S1E+8xL6 318S,602I |
S5E+6xL5 326S,594I |
S077xL4 342S,578I |
461 |
(158.5) |
S7E+4xL5 326S,596I |
462 |
284S,640I |
0.451 (158.7) |
296S,628I |
S255xL6 306S,618I |
S017L6 310S,614I |
462.5 |
S1E+1L8 284S,641I |
0.450 (158.9) |
463 |
(159.0) |
296S,630I |
S166L5 326S,600I |
464 |
or H001xL8 or S002xL7 284S,644I |
0.448 (159.3) |
S005L6 or 298S,630I |
S009xL5 or S447L6 318S,610I |
S038L5 326S,602I |
S477L6 326S,602I |
466 |
(159.8) |
298S,634I |
306S,626I |
S13AxL5 330S,602I |
467 |
(160.0) |
296S,638I |
298S,636I |
S238L6 322S,612I |
468 |
(160.3) |
306S,630I |
S345L7 310S,626I |
S558L6 326S,610I |
S268L5 336S,600I |
469 |
(160.6) |
298S,640I |
S357xL6 316S,622I |
470 |
286S,654I |
0.444 (160.8) |
300S,640I |
S017xL6 310S,630I |
E-1+8L6 320S,620I |
471 |
(161.1) |
S157xL5 324S,618I |
472 |
S011xL8 or aka E-1+1L8 286S,658I |
0.441 (161.3) |
472.5 |
(161.5) |
S7E-1L6 312S,633I |
E+6+6OL5 330S,615I |
473 |
(161.6) |
S136L6 314S,632I |
S277L5 338S,608I |
475 |
(162.1) |
S366xL6 318S,632I |
S038xL5 326S,624I |
476 |
(162.4) |
300S,652I |
312S,640I |
S6E+2L6 316S,636I |
S468xL6 324S,628I |
S166xL5 326S,626I |
477 |
(162.6) |
302S,652I |
477.5 |
(162.8) |
S3E+5L6 316S,639I |
478 |
(162.9) |
S456L7 322S,634I |
479 |
(163.2) |
S447xL6 318S,640I |
479.5 |
S1E-1L8 288S,671I |
0.436 (163.3) |
480 |
aka T001L8 or D-1+2t8L8 aka S000L8 288S,672I |
0.435 (163.4) |
S345xL7 310S,650I |
S238xL6 322S,638I |
E+2+7L5 328S,632I |
S22AxL5 332S,628I |
S02AxL5 336S,624I |
S05AxL4 458S,602I |
482 |
(163.9) |
S6E+2xL6 316S,648I |
S477xL6 326S,638I |
S567L7 330S,634I |
S149L5 342S,622I |
483 |
292S,674I |
0.440 (164.2) |
S136xL6 314S,652I |
484 |
(164.4) |
302S,666I |
E+0-1QL7 or S133L7 or S4E+1L7 304S,664I |
316S,652I |
S047L5 334S,634I |
S268xL5 336S,632I |
485 |
(164.7) |
S2E+3L7 304S,666I |
318S,652I |
E+1+9L5 338S,632I |
486 |
294S,676I |
0.442 (165.0) |
314S,658I |
324S,648I |
S558xL6 326S,646I |
487.5 |
(165.3) |
S5E+3L6 320S,655I |
488 |
aka E-1-1-2sL9 290S,686I |
(165.5) |
312S,664I |
S4E+4L6 320S,656I |
489 |
aka DE-1+2t9L8 aka E-1-1L9 290S,688I |
0.428 Ridge18 (165.7) |
296S,682I |
300S,678I |
S277xL5 338S,640I |