An Alternate View of Nuclear Structure
Aran David Stubbs
Structure S001L3
This solution is a skewed octahedra , with 1 dimension of skewing , so there are 4 square 2×2 vertices
and 2 diagonal vertices.
Note – this solution is equivalent to solution E-1-1L4 with 4 sextets of spheres added and the single sphere vertices cropped. Adding 4 more sextets of spheres is equivalent to solution E+1+1L3.
Ridge: 9 Position:3
Baryon Count: 55
Surface Spheres: 62
Interior Spheres: 48
Normalized Surface to Interior Ratio: 1.250
Parent: S001L2
Daughter: S001L4
Sketchups: Cl44 Cr54 Mn55 Fe56 Fe57 Fe58 Co59 Ni61 4t2 Ni61 2t3 Ni62 4t2 Ni62 2t3 Cu63 4t2 Cu63 2t3 Zn64 t4 Cu65 x+2t3+2t2 Cu65 2t4 Zn66 x+2t4 Zn66 4t3-2s Zn67 Zn68
Long Vertex view (yellow monoquarks, purple diquarks, white strong bonds, and grey weaker bonds).
Base form (Mn55)
Face view (yellow monoquarks, purple diquarks, white strong bonds, and grey weaker bonds.)
Base form (Mn55)
Short Vertex view (yellow monoquarks, purple diquarks, white strong bonds, and grey weaker bonds).
Base form (Mn55)
Sphere focused view (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks), with 2 spheres added, and 4 triangular faces of 6 spheres trimmed off.
Cl44 (E-1-1L4)
Sphere focused view (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks), with 2 spheres trimmed off.
Sphere focused view (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Base form (Mn55)
Sphere focused crown view (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Base form (Mn55)
Sphere focused view extended by 2 spheres over the long vertices (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused crown view extended by 2 spheres over the long vertices (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 2 spheres over the long vertices (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 4 spheres (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 4 spheres (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 6 spheres (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 6 spheres (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused crown view extended by 8 spheres (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused crown view extended by 8 spheres (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 12 spheres as 4 trios (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 12 spheres as 4 trios (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 12 spheres as 2 sextets (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 14 spheres as 2 sextets and 2 singles (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 14 spheres as 4 trios and 2 singles (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 14 spheres as 4 trios and 2 singles (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 16 spheres as 2 sextets and 4 singles (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 16 spheres as 4 trios and 4 singles (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 18 spheres as 2 nonets(red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 20 spheres as 2 sextets, 2 trios, and 2 singles (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused view extended by 20 spheres as 2 dectets (red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks).
Sphere focused edge view (Red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks). Extended by 2 dectets and a pair of spheres over the vertices.
Sphere focused view (Red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks). Extended by 4 trios, 2 trimmed by a sphere.
Sphere focused edge view (Red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks). Extended by 4 sextets.
Zn67 (E+1+1L3)
Sphere focused edge view, extended form (Red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks). Extended by 4 sextets and 2 spheres over the long vertices.
Zn68 (E+1+1xL3)
Sphere focused crown view, extended form (Red monoquarks and blue-green diquarks). Extended by 4 sextets and 2 spheres over the long vertices.
Zn68 (E+1+1xL3)