Delta Class of Triquarks
Aran David Stubbs, Inframatter Research Center
In the IRC model a trio of proto-quarks can combine to form structures in 3 arrangements: a single sphere triquark which we call a negron, a diquark bound to a monoquark (baryons), and a trio of monoquarks – the Delta class.
The first 4 members of the class are the familiar Delta particles. These come in 4 varieties: Δ++, Δ+, Δ0, and Δ–. They are comprised of 3 ups, 2 ups and a down, 2 downs and an up, and 3 downs respectively. Additional members of the class including the other varieties of quarks are also likely. Radial symmetry allows an exact solution to the 2 cases where a trio of identical quarks forms an isosceles triangle of spheres. Each also has a photon like shell surrounding the trio of quarks, with 3|z| proto-photons in s orbits above a pair of 1s gravitons, 6 for the Δ++ and 3 for the Δ–.
Earlier, a general solution was found for the velocity needed to generate m extra units of angular momentum for a tardyon in an ns orbit: where velocity
. A luxon or luxon-like structure (such as the proto-photon) in an ns orbit has n small units of angular momentum.
For the 3 up Δ++, the structure of each up has a proto-up in an s orbit above a pair of 1s gravitons, and a proto-gluon in a 4g orbit above a pair of 1p gravitons. The proto-ups are in 19s orbits travelling . That is n=19, m=
. The combined structural angular momentum is 61 small units. Each up has a total energy of 354.6617 MeV. The charge on the 3 proto-ups total +14 small units of angular momentum. The structure has a photon-like shell containing 2 gravitons and 6 proto-photons, with a combined P* of 28 (1 less than maximum expected, so there is 1 pair of proto-photons sharing an orbit, and 4 unpaired proto-photons among the other 2s-7s orbits). If they were each in separate orbits, the maximum L is 27 small units, but only 16 are needed to balance the count from the quarks, which is doable. Combined rest energy is 1233.1056 MeV, and gross diameter is 5.445 fm.
Similarly, the 3 down Δ– has downs with a proto-down in an s orbit above a pair of 1s gravitons, and a 4g proto-gluon above a pair of 1p gravitons. Its proto-downs are in 9s orbits travelling . That is n=9, m=
. The combined structural angular momentum is 32 small units. Each down has an energy of 354.9562 MeV. The charge on the 3 proto-downs total -7 small units of angular momentum. The structure has a photon-like shell containing 2 gravitons and 3 proto-photons, with a combined P* of 18 and up to 16 small units of angular momentum. We only need 7, which may be doable. Combined rest energy is 1232.4693 MeV and a gross diameter of 3.532 fm.
The simple symmetric cases have all the proto-photons present in the photon-like shell. For the asymmetric cases, some are not. In the Δ+ case the down has 1 proto-photon in its structure, as does 1 of the ups, leaving 3 proto-photons in the shell. In the Δ0 case, each down has 1 proto-photon, and the up has 2, and there is no shell. For this case, treating the 1s of each quark as matching the corresponding quark in the symmetric case, a plausible solution with rest energy for the Delta is about 1235.915 MeV.
Heavier structures
The second cluster of delta class particles has up, up, strange; up, down, strange; down, down, strange. The third pair has up, strange, strange; down, strange, strange. Finally, we again come to a solvable point using symmetry of 3 strange quarks. The Ω– looks OK on energy, but lasts surprisingly long.
The best fit has a 5s proto-strange in each quark, with 23/3 extra units of angular momentum. This gives a 1s energy of 19.9877 MeV, and a total energy for each strange quark of 508.0029 MeV. The radius of each quark is .8227 fm, giving an overall diameter of the Omega of 3.5454 fm. The photon-like shell has a p* of 16, and a total energy of 148.42123 MeV, for a total rest energy of the Omega of 1672.4298 MeV.
Treating the size of the Strange quark as constant among the deltoids including it, the best fit for the Xi* 0 (USS) is 1528.7 MeV, compared to a reported value of 1531.8(3) MeV. The best fit for the Sigma* 0 (UDS) is 1382.8 MeV, compared to a reported value of 1383.7(1.0) MeV. The cases with net charge have the same issues as the Delta, only more so.
The Triple Charmed Omega has no reported rest energy, but a quick approximation from the energy of the Single Charmed Omega of 2766 MeV, gives an energy for the triple around 5 GeV. The best fit near there is 4986.0 MeV with a 2s proto-charm having 10/3 extra units of L, for a 1s energy of 86.052 MeV, and a Charm energy of 1289.3 MeV. The photon-like shell has a p* of 28, and a total energy of 1118.2 MeV. Each charm quark has a radius of .1911 fm, for an overall diameter of the omega of .8235 fm.
Treating the various quarks calculated from the triplets above as the same sizes in the Charm related deltoids, the Charmed Sigma 0 with a reported energy of 2453.74(16) MeV comes to 2452.16 MeV. The Charmed Sigma * 0 has 2518.15 compared to a reported energy of 2518.8(1.0). The charmed Xi’ 0 comes to 2576.53 MeV, compared to a reported 2577.9(2.9) MeV. The charmed Xi* 0 comes to 2645.2 MeV compared to a reported 2645.9(5) MeV. The Charmed Omega 0 comes to 2763.3 MeV, compared to a reported 2765.9(2.0) MeV.
The triple lucky omega would have a rest energy on the order of 16.5 GeV.